Daily Life in One Piece Chapter 6

Revenge, A Battle Against Three Pirates Worth 38 Million Berries

No one responded, and the door wasn’t locked.

However, there was nothing in the house worth stealing. Even the poorest thief would leave in tears, possibly leaving a few Berries as charity.

“Damn kid, lost track of time while training again!” Mosen muttered as he opened the door. “We need to find the hideout of the Wild Boar Pirates and eliminate them. Otherwise, this kid’s going to get into trouble.”

For the past two years, both brothers had harbored a deep-seated hatred, driving them to train relentlessly.

Mosen was better off, as his adult soul allowed him to manage his emotions and self-regulate quickly. The navy base provided ample nutrition, and his strong physical aptitude led to rapid growth in strength.

His younger brother Wensite, however, only had Mosen’s meager salary to support them, and his frantic training was taking a toll on his young body.

Mosen had tried to persuade him several times, but Wensite would agree on the surface and then secretly continue his intense training.

It wasn’t until eight months ago, when Mosen began aggressively hunting pirates, that they had enough money to buy medicine and nutritional supplements, finally improving Wensite’s condition.

However, the key was to open Wensite’s heart. A ten-year-old shouldn’t have a face as cold as ice every day; that’s not what childhood should be like.

“Wensite, go call Kino over for dinner. If you’re late, you’ll face your big brother’s loving punishment!” Mosen shouted towards the forest. As someone determined to taste all the world’s delicacies, he wouldn’t compromise on cooking, preparing ingredients for their meal.

Compared to the two brothers, their fellow survivor, Kino, was much luckier.

Not long after arriving at the base town, Kino was adopted by a couple who had lost their child. Their daughter was stolen at Kino’s age, so they treated Kino as their own.

Over the past two years, Kino had come out of her trauma under her foster parents’ care. The now seven-year-old Kino, cute and lovable, held a special place in the brothers’ hearts.

They saw her as a little sister.

Kino’s foster parents also took care of Wensite, especially when Mosen was at the navy base, making the two families very close.

“Got it!” came a distant, emotionless reply.

“Such an unlovable brother,” Mosen muttered as he cleaned the fish with his knife.

After a while.

“Big Brother Mosen, Kino is here to see you! Kino is super cute today!” Kino’s soft voice came from the doorway as Mosen finished preparing the seafood fried rice.

Today, Kino wore her hair in a bun that Mosen had taught her, her big eyes sparkling. Strands of hair framed her forehead, adding to her playful look.

Her delicate, dimpled cheeks made her irresistibly cute, and her simple white floral dress with tiny sandals highlighted her neat little toes.

“Oh my, who is this little angel who has descended to earth? So kawaii!”

“It’s Kino, it’s Kino… hehehe…” Kino giggled, bouncing into the room. “Wow, Big Brother Mosen, these dishes look so delicious!”

She lunged for the table.

Mosen gently slapped her small hand, his face full of black lines.

“You little glutton, wash your hands first!”

Wensite, standing outside the door, watched the scene. His mouth, so similar to Merry’s, curved into a rare smile. When his brother looked over, the smile vanished, replaced by his usual icy expression.

“Still an aloof, cold kid!”

“What are you standing there for? Go wash your hands and eat.”

The Year 1508,


Winter didn’t matter much, as the 77th Base near the equator experienced summer all year round.

In the base’s quarters, Mosen received a secret letter containing only a location and a map.

“Finally found them. It’s been a long wait, Garoush Wild Boar and ‘One-Eyed’ Shindeno… a total bounty of 38 million. Hehe.”

In the darkness, Mosen’s expression was inscrutable, his voice sinister. Turning off the light, the room felt like a devil was whispering.

Goru Island, an unmapped, uninhabited island surrounded by reefs, making navigation difficult.

No one knew that the most notorious pirates of the East Blue, with a bounty of 20 million Berries, Garoush Wild Boar and his pirate crew, were hiding on this island.

At dawn, Mosen armed himself and set sail solo for Goru Island.

His weapons were no longer standard navy issue. His sword was one of the 50 skillful grade swords, ‘Whisper.’ It could kill silently, having claimed the lives of over fifty pirates.

His rifle was a custom-made navy MX semi-sniper, capable of precise strikes up to 500 meters. More souls were lost to this weapon.

Shortly after, the main warship of the 77th Naval Base, the Stansome, also set sail in the same direction, unbeknownst to Mosen.

Mosen’s small boat stopped far from Goru Island to avoid detection. The seagull emblem and large MARINE letters on the sail would be easily spotted by lookouts.

“Indeed, reefs are everywhere, but their ships anchored ashore must have found a safe route,” Mosen thought, putting down his binoculars. “First, I’ll sabotage their ships, trapping them like fish in a barrel. I’m such a clever boy!”

“It’s a shame I can’t wear my justice cape for the intimidation factor.”

Mosen rowed to the back of the island, left his gun and coat on the boat, and dove into the water. Though he only knew the doggy paddle, his large lung capacity was an advantage.

At the front of Goru Island, within a small villa-like base, the Wild Boar Pirates were having a feast.

“Bad news… Captain Wild Boar, there’s a navy man outside!”

“Hohoho, a navy man daring to trouble me? It seems I haven’t given them enough nightmares. Men, show those weak navy scum our strength!”

“Boss Wild Boar, it’s… just one man.”


“You’re scared by one man? Useless coward.”

With a slap, the informant was sent flying, Wild Boar’s face growing uglier.

“How dare they underestimate me? I’ll twist his head off and use it as a drinking vessel to teach him a lesson!”


The base door shattered as two pirates were flung inside, wooden planks flying everywhere, causing chaos among the pirates.

A figure appeared in the dusty doorway—Mosen!

He dragged ‘Whisper’ in his right hand, leaving a thin line on the ground.

“Hehe, no big talk. My head is precious, but you, Wild Boar, will soon become a dead pig.”

Mosen stood firm, spotting Wild Boar and Shindeno in the courtyard, confirming they were his targets.

“Ensign Mosen of the 77th Naval Base, here to send you to hell.”

Seeing their enemy, both sides turned red with rage, and the deadly battle began. The distance from the gate to Wild Boar was at least 20 meters, with over ten pirates in between. Mosen didn’t expect them to just stand aside.

Killing Move: Hell’s Whispering Wind!

In the past eight months of killing, Mosen developed this technique. By moving quickly and using the sharpness of the skillful grade sword, he could slice enemies’ throats silently.

In essence, it was about speed!

But calling it fast blade or swift blade sounded unremarkable. A high-ranking name that exuded style was crucial!

With Mosen’s current strength, the dozen or so pirates in his path fell within 30 seconds.

The other pirates barely reacted before the front was littered with bodies, and furniture, food, and drink flew everywhere.

They were terrified!

Another pirate stood between Mosen and Wild Boar, shorter and thinner than Mosen’s 1.8 meters.

“I am the battle captain of the Wild Boar Pirates…”

Mosen thrust his sword before the pirate could react, piercing his heart and killing him instantly!

“I don’t care who you are. I’m not interested in short, ugly guys.”

His tone was as cold as ice. If it weren’t for the upcoming battle, he would’ve given himself 99 points, deducting one because…

“Why is this guy called Wild Boar so tall? My neck hurts looking up!”

Standing over 3.32 meters, covered in black hair, Wild Boar was nearly twice Mosen’s height. Up close, he reeked of a foul odor.

“Boy, you’re worthy of being my opponent…”

A sharp blade interrupted Wild Boar’s words. “I don’t want to be a pig’s opponent, especially one that hasn’t bathed in days.”


“Really? Aren’t we supposed to exchange some banter before fighting? Why don’t you follow the script and just attack?”

Wild Boar dodged the strike, furious. “I’ll tear you apart!”

“Captain, your weapon.”

A giant mace flew over, thrown by the vice-captain.


Mosen’s eyes lit up. As Wild Boar reached for the weapon, he exposed a huge vulnerability.

In anime, characters often waited for enemies to pick up weapons before attacking. Mosen wouldn’t make that mistake.

With a sidestep and thrust.

The dark blade ‘Whisper’ struck like a venomous snake, ready to bite.

Fast Dragon!


The blade penetrated only a few inches before stopping

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Daily Life in One Piece

Daily Life in One Piece

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020
The transmigrated Mosen ate the Slip-Slip Fruit. During a news interview, when asked about his strength, he said, "What's the use of strength? Being handsome is a lifelong endeavor!"

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Marine Headquarters: "If I could beat you, kid, I'd believe you about your shoes."

On an island in the New World, from the grave of a certain pirate with a bounty of 450 million, there came a sound of knocking on the coffin lid: "I believe you, my ass."

On Amazon Lily, a certain Empress: "Bastard, you're almost as good-looking as I am. Unforgivable!"

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not work with dark mode