One Piece Admiral Silver Fox Chapter 28

Life Tips

The next day, before dawn, everyone was again gathered on the training ground.

Last night, Foxy didn’t practice for long since his body couldn’t handle it. After about two hours of Devil Fruit training, he returned to the dormitory and fell into a deep sleep.

He almost couldn’t get up this morning, and it was evident that everyone looked somewhat tired and listless.

“Run two laps, 25 minutes. Get moving and wake yourselves up,” Zephyr commanded crisply.

This time, no one hesitated. Everyone, yawning or rubbing their sleepy eyes, painfully started running.

It was truly exhausting.

Both physically and mentally, Foxy felt utterly drained.

But he gritted his teeth and kept going. After a while, his mind started to drift.

Breathing heavily, Foxy finished the laps. Everyone looked like they wanted to collapse on the ground, but Zephyr had made it clear: anyone laid down would have to keep running.

“Very good,” Zephyr said, pacing back and forth. “You have 20 minutes for breakfast. Move it.”

After running 20 kilometres, the mention of food made everyone’s stomachs growl in protest.

In the dining hall, the aroma of meat wafted through the air.

Each table was already set with food—meat, vegetables, and soup. The soup, most notably, had a peculiar taste.

Foxy vaguely remembered eating this yesterday in his haze.

“The meat is from Sea Kings, which will enhance your physique. The soup is made from Sea King bone marrow, which will alter your constitution. Eat as much as you can because the training will only get tougher. Besides eating, you must soak in the medicated baths prepared in your dormitories every night before bed.”


“Yes, sir.”

Zephyr sat down to enjoy his breakfast while all the trainees began to wolf down their food.

Everyone’s appetite was enormous, including Foxy’s.

Foxy never thought he could eat so much—more than a pig.

Feasting, Foxy realized the soup was what he had consumed in his daze yesterday. This was followed by a bath in what must have been the medicated bath Zephyr mentioned.

No wonder Zephyr pushed them so hard; they had Sea King meat to boost their physique and medicated baths for recovery.

This world was full of robust creatures, especially the gigantic Sea Kings. With such a diet, their growth defied logic.

Joining the Navy was indeed the right choice. The nutrition alone was luxurious.

Had he not joined, he wouldn’t have dreamed of eating Sea King meat or soaking in medicated baths. Just having food would be fortunate.

Twenty minutes flew by, and Foxy had eaten enough to last an ordinary person ten days. The sheer amount of food consumed was staggering.

Foxy ate less compared to others like Drake, Shuzo, and Gaspard.

Even Hina out-ate him.

Losing to Hina in training was one thing, but even in eating…

Foxy felt the sting of humiliation.

After breakfast, everyone stood on the training ground, some still burping. Sometime during their meal, large logs had been placed on the ground, each requiring two people to wrap their arms around and about five meters long.

Seeing these logs, Foxy had a bad feeling.

The others looked similarly apprehensive; they weren’t fools.

“The mountain behind is 100 kilometers away. Your task is to carry these logs to the top. The summit needs a watchtower built. You have six hours until lunch. If you’re late, no lunch for you. I’ll be waiting at the top.”

With that, Zephyr vanished without giving them a chance to protest.

“This old man is crazy. He doesn’t treat us like humans,” Gaspard grumbled, eyes filled with despair.

“Sigh… Let’s get started,” Shuzo was the first to grab a log, effortlessly lifting it onto his shoulder.

“100 kilometers, six hours, carrying these logs… We’ll be dead,” they complained, but they moved anyway.

Foxy noticed each log had names on it. Most were similar, except Hina’s, which was slightly smaller.

Girls had some privileges, especially at twelve.

Foxy found his log and struggled to lift it onto his shoulder. It weighed at least five to six hundred pounds.

Then they started running toward the mountain, only a short time to walk 100 kilometres ahead.

Along the way, some Marines smiled knowingly at their plight. They had seen this scene before, some even having experienced it themselves.

As the cool morning air gave way to the scorching sun, everyone was sweat-drenched. My shoulders were raw and bleeding from the constant friction.

Switching the log from one shoulder to the other, the pain was excruciating, especially when sweat dripped into the wounds.

Halfway there, Foxy put his log down, panting heavily.

Drake, Hina, and a few others were also taking a break, tongues hanging out like dogs.

Looking at the sweaty group, Foxy turned to the nearby street.

“Drake, do you have any Berries on you?”

Foxy asked without shame, approaching Drake.

Their relationship was good by now, and he got along well with others, too, though they hadn’t known each other long.

“I have a thousand Berries.”

Drake pulled out some sweat-soaked Berries.

“That should be enough. Wait here for me.”

Taking the money, Foxy ran toward the street, leaving Drake and the others puzzled.

He soon entered a convenience store and emerged with two bags of bottled water and a towel.

Marineford, despite being the Navy headquarters, had commercial and residential areas with stores, cafes, and everything in between.

The storekeeper looked at Foxy’s sweaty, exhausted state and immediately understood, accepting the wet money without question.

Carrying the bags of water, Foxy returned to the resting group and handed out bottles.

“Here, drink up.”

Everyone stared at the bottles momentarily, then quickly opened them and drank greedily.

After running so long and sweating so much, they were dried.

“Thanks, Foxy.”

“This was Drake’s money.”

Foxy’s gesture earned him goodwill, even from the aloof Gaspard and Shuzo.

Understanding social niceties, Foxy’s actions made him likable.

“Thank you, Foxy,” Hina said politely, unlike the others.

Hearing her sweet smile, Foxy wanted to take her home and raise her.

“You’re welcome. Use this towel on your shoulders to ease the pain,” Foxy offered, adding, “Don’t worry, you’re a girl. Zephyr-sensei won’t mind.”

Hina hesitated but took the towel after hearing his reassurance.

The others just watched, some rolling their eyes, but said nothing.

They wouldn’t dare use a towel, fearing Zephyr’s wrath. Hina had the excuse of being a girl; they did not.

No one dared rest for long. After a few minutes, they picked up their logs and continued.

With the towel cushioning her shoulders, Hina found it much more manageable. Smiling at Foxy’s back, she felt a sense of gratitude.

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One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020

Parted hair, red nose, inverted eyebrows, and triangular eyes—my appearance is like a fox with hair standing up, wearing a purple fur coat, looking as sleek as a human but with the demeanor of a scoundrel.

That's right, I am the infamous user of the Noro Noro no Mi, the flashy and sleazy Silver Fox Foxy.

A man who uses the powerful Devil Fruit ability to slow things down for comedic purposes.

In a world where the strong eat the weak, slowing down is king.

“Damn it, I need plastic surgery.”

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not work with dark mode