Be the Main God from Naruto Chapter 11

Assessment of Authority Dogs, Gamblers

Wang Yan’s mental manipulation ability is now more subtle than ever. He strengthened the part of Orochimaru’s subconscious mind as a scientist, achieving remarkable results.

With the experience from the first time, after reading through Hiruzen Sarutobi’s memories and thoughts, he easily modified his subconscious, achieving his goal effortlessly.

In fact, the Third Hokage not only didn’t notice any clues, but instead believed that it was his own idea to have Wang Yan lead Team 7.

“Originally, the old man was planning to let his son, Hiruzen Asuma, lead Team 10… Fatherly love knows no bounds…”

Wang Yan sighed, feeling a bit nostalgic for his relatives on Earth.

“I wonder how my elder brother and sister would react when they find out I’m missing…”

He didn’t want his older siblings to worry.

As for Wang Yan’s parents…

Wang Yan felt that if he disappeared for three to five years, his parents probably wouldn’t even notice.

His elder brother’s name is Wang Yan, and his younger sister’s name is Wang Yan.

From the naming pattern of the three siblings, one can probably understand how much their parents doted on them…

Taking a deep breath and calming his emotions, Wang Yan arrived at the agreed-upon classroom.

At exactly 8:30 in the morning, with zero margin for error.

Because he wasn’t late, Wang Yan didn’t get to experience the treatment of having a chalkboard eraser thrown at his head by Kakashi Hatake, as in the original timeline.

In fact, this disappointed him a bit.

“I thought I might have a chance to show off in front of these little brats…” Wang Yan walked to the podium without looking around, his expression neutral, but he felt a bit regretful inside.

Standing still, hands on the lectern, he looked down at the three brats of Team 7.

Naruto Uzumaki, with his yellow hair, was trying hard to appear indifferent, but his profuse sweating and tightly clenched fists betrayed his true thoughts.

Sasuke Uchiha, with his cold and immature demeanor, had his arms crossed, as if he had been maintaining a cool pose for a long time.

Sakura Haruno’s attention was completely focused on the new teacher, her emerald eyes almost glued to Sasuke’s face, instantly irritating him.

“I am your jonin leader, Wang Yan.”

Wang Yan stroked his chin playfully, looking at the three of them with a teasing gaze. “We don’t need formal introductions for now. If you can’t pass my assessment, then you’ll go back to the ninja school to study. There’s no need to waste each other’s time.”

As soon as these words were spoken, Naruto suddenly gulped and began to protest loudly, “This is unfair! I just graduated with great difficulty! You don’t have the right to do this!”

With a smirk, Wang Yan looked at him, his tone calm and unhurried, “Actually, I do have the right. And when you were trying to steal the scroll, I was there too.”

Water Manipulation had manipulated Naruto into stealing the scroll, a classic opening move. How could he miss it?

He also modified the memories and subconscious of all participants. Even now, he felt a bit overwhelmed…

“Naruto, stop it.”

Sakura flicked her pink bangs aside and punched Naruto sneakily, whispering softly, “He’s not lying. I heard that there’s a strange jonin named Kakashi Hatake who almost always sends all three members of his team back to ninja school. You should be glad our mentor isn’t that guy.”

Naruto’s spirits instantly deflated.

He had thought that after leaving the ninja school, he would immediately soar to greatness and become a great ninja, only to find out that he might actually be sent back to the ninja school?

“Teacher Wang Yan…”

Sasuke spoke up, and the attention of everyone present shifted to him. “Please start the assessment directly!”

Seeing the determined and cold gaze of the teenager, Wang Yan’s lips curled up slightly, his words carrying deep meaning. “Good eyes. I hope you can maintain them even after learning the truth.”

With that, Wang Yan snapped his fingers.


White mist enveloped the room.

As the smoke cleared, each of the three teenagers held a small silver ticket worth two liang in their hands.

Wang Yan spoke leisurely, “Unlike that psychologically dark Kakashi, I won’t keep you in suspense before the assessment. The standard for passing is simple.”

A test of teamwork by grabbing a bell?

Too uncreative.

What he wanted were reincarnators who were agile in their thinking, able to adapt. He didn’t want ninjas who would stubbornly keep charging forward without looking back.

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a glance, both seeing the seriousness in each other’s hearts.

At this moment, Sakura, instead of feeling jealous, clenched her fists tightly, her pupils slightly constricted, showing extreme nervousness, but she didn’t have the spirit to be jealous.

“The assessment is this: each person gets two liang as capital to buy something and fill the entire classroom. If you can do it, you pass the assessment. If you can’t, either go back to ninja school or simply give up your identity as a ninja and live as a civilian.”

As soon as Wang Yan spoke, the three teenagers’ minds exploded.

“It’s impossible!” Sasuke immediately declared.

“This is simply impossible! Teacher Wang Yan, can we change the question?” Sakura leaned close to Wang Yan, trying to use her charm to persuade him to change his mind.

She was too naive!

Who was Wang Yan?

Born under the red flag, raised in the new China, the successor of communism!

Would he be swayed by sugar-coated bullets?

Absolutely not!

Moreover, this pink-haired girl hadn’t even started developing yet, with no chest, no butt, no legs, flatter than an airport runway, and even a dual personality prone to violence. Wang Yan didn’t think he was so desperate as to be indiscriminate…

The one who performed the best was unexpectedly Naruto, who was now full of confidence, his face beaming with sunshine.

He looked disdainfully at the cold-hearted teenager beside him and said arrogantly, “Humph! Weak Sasuke, the ninja way of Naruto Uzumaki is to turn the impossible into possible!”

Just as Sakura was about to change her view of Naruto, he furrowed his brow again, looking troubled, “Hmm… But this is too difficult! With two liang, you can’t even afford a bowl of ramen… No, wait! I have a coupon for one discounted bowl of ramen from Ramen Paradise, and with the recent half-price promotion by Uncle Ramen, it should be just enough to buy one bowl…”

Naruto, who couldn’t stay handsome for more than three seconds in front of Sakura, showed Wang Yan a truth through practical actions—single dogs are always single by their own abilities.

One liang equals ten yen.

And one Chinese yuan can be exchanged for approximately 16.3 yen.

In other words, Wang Yan gave the three little ninjas less than two yuan, and asked them to buy enough things to fill the entire classroom…

“What did the ninja school teach you guys? Is your thinking so rigid?”

Wang Yan sneered, tapping his temple, “Use your brains a bit. This assessment isn’t actually that difficult.”

The situation is stronger than individuals. The three just-graduated genin were at a loss, but they had no choice but to accept it. Whatever contempt they harbored in their hearts, Wang Yan noted it down one by one.

“What’s wrong with being an authority dog? I’m proud of it! I’m proud!”

Wang Yan said with a vacant look, a cold snort.

Don’t look so happy now, or you’ll have to make lists later.

For some reason, all three genin shivered at the same time.

Abundance Town.

Shizune carried the little pig, trotting behind Tsunade.

“Lady Tsunade, please slow down!”

The golden-haired woman exuded a strong aura of heroism, but her words were very damaging to her image, “Ah~ Ah~ Little Shizune, aren’t you at the age to get married too? Do you want to find a husband? If so, after we win the money, we’ll have someone to help us move things.”

When it came to gambling, her expression turned serious, as if discussing some sacred cause, her spirit soaring.

“Abundance Town, the newly emerged gambling holy land…”

“This time, I’ll win back everything I lost before!”

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Be the Main God from Naruto

Be the Main God from Naruto

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2019

Dominating the Naruto world, reigning supreme in the Marvel universe, and wreaking havoc in One Piece.

Modifying ghouls, researching titans, and altering Dragon Ball.

This is the story of the Main God, Wang Yan!

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