Be the Main God from Naruto Chapter 12

Hairdresser, Art

The Gambling Holy Land, Abundance Town!

All the facilities and residents of the town exist to serve the central casino.

Upon arriving at the casino entrance, Tsunade and Shizune were immediately stunned.

It was more like a small castle than a casino!

Golden signs, silver bricks, jade pearls scattered like stars, embedded on the fortress.

Three security teams, 18 guards, each exuding an aura and strength close to a Chunin…

“So extravagant! From now on, this will be my home!”

Tsunade blinked her starry eyes and immediately announced her decision to her disciple.

She grabbed Shizune’s arm, “How much money do we have left? Take it all out! This time, I will definitely win back everything I lost before! Then we can have big fish and meat, delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wines and dishes every day! Hmm… I’ll also spend money to help you find a handsome and considerate husband!”

Shizune blushed at the rogue’s words, shyly saying, “I’m already satisfied with having brown rice to eat every day… As for a husband… no thanks!”

Although she said so, she couldn’t help but immerse herself in the future vision outlined by the other party.

The dizzy little girl came to her senses and found that Tsunade had already taken all the living expenses and rushed into the casino on her own.

“Ah… Lady Tsunade! Wait for me!” Shizune took a cold breath, feeling chilled in her heart.

What delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wines and dishes? They’re all fake! Illusions! An impossible future!

Although Lady Tsunade was a formidable Sanin, this was undeniable. Another nickname she had was “The Legendary Fat Sheep”!

The aura of misfortune that always made her lose at gambling, like maggots on bones, stuck to Tsunade and couldn’t be shaken off.

Shizune already anticipated the desperate life of barely getting by with eating bran and drinking water for the next few months…

“I absolutely! I absolutely have to stop Lady Tsunade!”

The girl’s face showed a resolute expression as she buried her head and rushed into the casino with the little pig.



A scream.

“Shizune, you’ve grown up too. Try to be a little more stable in your actions.”

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in her ears, and a large hand covered in cage armor reached out.

“Thank you…”

Shizune grabbed the person’s hand and got up.

She looked up and froze with a polite smile on her face, feeling embarrassed.

Rubbing her eyes cutely, Shizune weakly asked, “Master Jiraiya?”

Did this toad sage, who was on par with Lady Tsunade, not have a love for gambling?

When did he shave his head?

The barber’s craftsmanship seemed quite good…

Konoha, Classroom 7-A.

“I know what to do!”

Uchiha Sasuke clapped his hands excitedly, his face showing excitement, and immediately rushed out of the classroom with two silver tickets.

“Huh? His idea is quite interesting, much better than I expected.”

Wang Yan watched his figure, with a glint in his eyes.

Originally, he thought Haruno Sakura would be the first to come up with a solution, but now it seemed that he had underestimated others.

“Ah! Stupid Sasuke! I won’t lose to you!”

After a burst of yelling, the yellow-haired boy also rushed out of the classroom.

Naruto’s actions always came before thinking, even Wang Yan didn’t know what he was going to buy.

With watery eyes, the pink-haired girl blinked, “Teacher Wang Yan, can you give me a hint?”

Wang Yan stared at her with a smile that wasn’t a smile, the two of them staring at each other.

For a while, the classroom was unusually quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

“Hmph! Stingy!”

Sakura stuck out her tongue and made a cute face.

Knowing what her other personality was thinking, Wang Yan didn’t buy into it at all. He remained the same indifferent mentor, unwilling to budge.

After a while, Sakura finally acted.

“I’ll never lose to Sasuke! I’m okay with losing to him because I admire him willingly. But if I lose to that idiot Naruto, I won’t accept it!”

Although she wasted a lot of time on the backdoor, the advantage of having a dual personality was showing now.

In terms of time spent on thinking about the problem, Sakura spent the shortest time and was the most efficient.

Using telekinesis, Wang Yan changed the molecular structure of the desk and made a simple rocking chair for himself.

Relaxing, feeling good.

He closed his eyes for half an hour.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura had all returned.

“Now, let’s begin.”

The first to step forward was Sasuke.

He opened the small bag in his hand with pride, “I used two silver tickets to buy a bag of flour.”

With that, Sasuke raised his hand suddenly, and flour scattered and filled the entire classroom.

“How’s that? Did I pass the assessment?”

Wang Yan nodded slightly, his lips twitching, “Barely pass, next.”

“Just barely?”

Sasuke frowned, beginning to think if there was a better way.

Naruto jumped up, his face full of malicious smiles, “It’s my turn! It’s my turn!”

Seeing his appearance, Sasuke’s heart trembled.

As orphans, he had paid some attention to Uzumaki Naruto.

Every time before the other party played a prank, he would have this expression.

Sure enough…

Naruto took a deep breath and held it in. He rubbed his stomach and bent over.

“Wait! What are you doing?”

Sasuke’s eyes widened, suddenly realizing something, but before he could stop him, Naruto decisively released a biological weapon.


A foul smell instantly filled the entire classroom.

“Ugh! Disgusting! What are you doing!”

Sasuke’s face turned pale with anger as he began to retch uncontrollably.

Sakura’s face turned black, “Idiot! Stupid!”

How could she maintain a ladylike image in this situation!

Naruto grinned, looking very pleased with himself, with an expression that seemed to say, “I’m so smart, I’m a genius.”

“I used two silver tickets and a discount voucher to buy a bowl of Tonkotsu Chashu Miso Ramen, and added lots of pickled ginger! Then it was easy to fill the entire classroom!”

“Teacher, did I pass?”

Wang Yan’s mouth twitched, non-committal, “Next.”

If he hadn’t read Naruto’s memories and thoughts in time and used telekinesis to create an air shield, he might have been affected by now.

Sakura forced a smile, taking out a box of matches.

She took one and put it against the sandpaper, “I’ll fill the entire classroom with light.”

With confidence, she struck the match.


A strong explosion and shock wave filled the entire classroom.

Desks, chairs, glass windows, blackboards, teaching sticks…

Flames soared, and the intense explosion turned everything into ashes or powder in an instant.

At the critical moment, Wang Yan, who was prepared, used telekinesis to wrap the three of them up and flew them to the backyard of the teaching building.

Shaken, Sakura and Sasuke’s faces were pale, and even Naruto, who was usually bold, was sweating profusely, his legs trembling, and several strands of fox fur on his face trembling, as if trying to ease the fear in his heart.

They almost died!

Is the life of a ninja so dangerous?

At this moment, the thoughts of the three were unprecedentedly unanimous.

“Well, I’ll consider you all passed.”

Wang Yan looked at the three with empty eyes, “Originally, I was going to give Sakura the first prize because I like the art of explosion and appreciate students who know how to leverage their strengths and have flexible minds. But unfortunately, she seemed not to anticipate this result, just accidentally achieving it, so there’s no reward.”

The flour spread by Sasuke, the fart filled by Naruto, all paved the way for this explosion.

The match struck by Sakura only served as the fuse for the dust explosion and methane explosion.

“So, Sakura is a pseudo-achiever…”

Wang Yan smacked his lips, feeling a bit unsatisfied.

“That’s it for today. All members have passed the assessment. Tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, gather here again. Let’s chat, talk about life ideals, and by the way, the teacher will help you make some Future Plans.”

The last four words were emphasized heavily.

With that, Wang Yan shifted his attention to the three Sanin in Abundance Town.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru’s arrangements had made a slight impact and change on this world. This had brought him considerable gains, and now his resource points had accumulated to a whopping fifty thousand.

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Be the Main God from Naruto

Be the Main God from Naruto

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2019

Dominating the Naruto world, reigning supreme in the Marvel universe, and wreaking havoc in One Piece.

Modifying ghouls, researching titans, and altering Dragon Ball.

This is the story of the Main God, Wang Yan!

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