Be the Main God from Naruto Chapter 14

Death Necklace, Dragon Ring

Tsunade took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but her emotions roiled like waves.

“Two questions.”

She extended two slender, fair fingers. “First, what will be required of us after making a contract with the Main God?”

“Second, what are the conditions for truly resurrecting someone? How much must be sacrificed?”

Jiraiya, usually only interested in drinking and writing novels or drooling over exchange lists, finally proved his worth at this moment.

He responded immediately, “To resurrect an ordinary person, you only need 1000 reward points and a B-grade Destiny Gemstone.”

“The stronger the person being resurrected, the more reward points are required, but the quantity of Destiny Gemstones needed remains the same.”

Orochimaru’s serpentine tongue flicked across his lips, a wicked smile on his face as he continued, “As for what is required of us? Frankly, we’re not sure. But so far, I’ve taken on two tasks.”

“The first is to drive Jiraiya to despair.”

His pale finger pointed at the bald head of the Toad Sage, Orochimaru’s tone firm. “The end result was that he became a Reincarnator.”

“And the second task is to recruit you.”

At this, Tsunade’s brows furrowed, a hint of crimson at her forehead like blood.

Change the fate of others?

Or perhaps find more followers for the Main God?

No, Orochimaru and Jiraiya couldn’t be called followers; they should be called “Reincarnators”. It seemed that the mysterious and unpredictable Main God didn’t require the belief of others.

Was His recruitment condition, then, renowned and powerful ninjas?

In that case…

Tsunade felt she had no reason to refuse.

The moment this thought arose, a string of luminescent text appeared before her eyes.

“Do you want to resurrect loved ones and lost lovers?”


Subconsciously glancing at the two beside her, Tsunade realized they were both awaiting her reply, oblivious to the screen in front of her. So she whispered softly, “Yes.”

At the same time, Orochimaru and Jiraiya received a notification of task completion.

“Reincarnators 001/002 have completed the task, earning 650 reward points.”

Orochimaru immediately converted all his reward points into research materials and materials, leaving behind the newly established gambling sanctuary for completing tasks and diving into the laboratory.

Anyway, the Main God’s precious metals and jewels were cheap.

For instance, regarding gold, one reward point equaled one cubic meter, and many ordinary alloy materials sold for more than gold. Every Reincarnator who realized the value of reward points would gain the “Treat Money as Dirt” buff.

Jiraiya agonized over the exchange list.

He wasn’t a mad scientist like Orochimaru, and there were many things and abilities he wanted to exchange for but couldn’t afford. Those he could afford, he didn’t fancy or felt reluctant to part with.

“How can we obtain reward points and B-grade Destiny Gemstones?” Tsunade asked pragmatically.

“Reward points can be obtained by completing tasks and decomposing extraordinary items imbued with the power of destiny. B-grade Destiny Gemstones can be obtained by completing special tasks or significantly altering the fate of specific individuals.”

The mechanical prompt devoid of any emotional color echoed in Tsunade’s ears: “Your weekly question quota has been exhausted. If you have further doubts, please reserve them for next week.”

Tsunade paused, instinctively clutching the necklace at her chest.

In that instant, countless light strings appeared before her eyes, dancing and twisting like musical notes, coalescing into words.

[First Generation Necklace: Relic of the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, containing a seal of Hashirama’s chakra to restrain the Nine-Tails, condensed with some of the Hokage’s fortune. Non-Fated Ones holding this item will suffer backlash, encountering misfortune and death. Can be converted into 1200 reward points.]

“Fated Ones… so that’s it…”

Tsunade chuckled bitterly.

Back then, she had given this necklace to Neji, who died, then to Dan, who also met a tragic end.

“Why keep it? Better to convert it into reward points.”

“Deducting the expenditure of 1200 points, a total of 10500 resource points has been credited this time.”

Wang Yan’s fingers lightly touched the First Generation Necklace he had just acquired. “Including the previous surplus, there’s a total of 61000 now.”

This brought him a step closer to his goal.

After finding items imbued with the power of destiny, if Reincarnators were willing to convert them into reward points, he and Wang Yan would split the proceeds fifty-fifty.

It wasn’t wise to cheat in this aspect, after all. If a Reincarnator in the future got their hands on Frostmourne from Arthas, sold it gleefully for over a thousand reward points, only to find out it was priced at over ten thousand on the exchange list…

Would the Main God’s face be worth anything?!

Living in endless planes, one still had to maintain some semblance of dignity.

But this time, Wang Yan didn’t follow the usual procedure. He simply paid the required 1200 points and obtained the First Generation Necklace, which was worth about 2400 reward points.

After a slight modification, it would make a perfect gift upon his return to Earth.

“Not having any storage props feels a bit lacking in style…”

Wang Yan mentioned storage props, referring naturally to items like the Bag of Holding, Storage Ring, or spatial pouches.

Ninjas often used sealing scrolls, but they were cumbersome and had a distinct art style that he wasn’t fond of.

“With over sixty thousand resource points, I’ll use the leftover thousand to solve this problem…”

With a thought, Wang Yan decided to exchange for a space ring.

He eyed a ring named “Na,” feeling quite satisfied with it.

But at this moment, the auxiliary program offered a more constructive suggestion, causing him to rethink his idea.

“Such an option exists?”

Following the auxiliary program’s advice, he spent one thousand reward points separately.

Eight hundred points were exchanged for something called “Space Talisman” — a baby-palm-sized orb with swirling black light, seemingly distorting and absorbing even the light shining on it.

The remaining two hundred points were exchanged for a superb carrier metal for spatial power, a rare product from the Xianxia world called “Mijin Gold.”

Wang Yan’s “Comprehension,” “Talent,” and “Constitution” had already reached the pinnacle of humanity. It took him only a minute to gain insight into the laws of space by absorbing the Space Talisman into his body.

Using telekinesis, he enveloped the Mijin Gold, oscillated, compressed, polished, and engraved the aura of the Space Talisman into it.

After a moment, Wang Yan had a delicate and unparalleled pale golden ring on his left pinky.

“It can hold about a hundred square meters of items but can’t contain living beings.”

Overall, Wang Yan was quite satisfied with this homemade space ring.

After all, spending 1000 resource points directly to exchange for a similar item would only yield a capacity of 10 cubic meters, tops.

“As a temporary solution and substitute, it’s enough. When I completely comprehend the laws of space in the future, I might even be able to create a world exclusively for life.”

“Let’s call this ring ‘Dragon Coil.'”

Sitting on the bed, Wang Yan pushed open the French window with telekinesis, letting the moonlight pour in.

While complete mastery of space laws could be exchanged for with resource points, it was too expensive.

Even a lower-tier space law required a whopping 50,000 resource points, which, if exchanged for, would instantly set Wang Yan back to square one.

For now, he focused on accumulating points and avoided unnecessary big expenses.

The next day.

Beside the Hokage Rock.

The members of Team Seven gathered.

“Future plans?”

Sasuke’s hands were in his pockets, his mind filled with icy laughter.

Whatever plans this self-righteous Wang Yan had made, they had nothing to do with him.

His sole purpose for existence was to kill that man!

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Be the Main God from Naruto

Be the Main God from Naruto

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2019

Dominating the Naruto world, reigning supreme in the Marvel universe, and wreaking havoc in One Piece.

Modifying ghouls, researching titans, and altering Dragon Ball.

This is the story of the Main God, Wang Yan!

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