Be the Main God from Naruto Chapter 15

Double Jade, Gift Named Relying on the Mountain

Wang Yan clapped his hands, drawing the attention of the three young ninjas.

“I’m going to analyze your strengths, interests, ideals, and pursuits. First, let’s see if what I say matches with you, and then we can discuss future plans.”

Ever since he played the mobile game “Clumsy Ninja” on Earth, he had been wanting to try a real-life cultivation game.

Now, the day had finally arrived!

“First, Sasuke.”

The perpetually aloof youth with a cold smirk was turned over, emitting a disdainful snort to express his inner dissatisfaction.

He thought that discussing life ideals was a waste of time; he would rather focus on training and improving his strength.

Wang Yan looked at Sasuke with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, his tone cryptic. “You think it’s better to spend time discussing life ideals rather than training to improve your strength. Is that what you think?”

Sasuke’s expression turned incredulous.

His mouth slightly agape, his pitch-black pupils constricted like needles. “You…”

“You, the second young master of the Uchiha clan, have a relatively comprehensive development in Fire Release, ninja tool throwing, and taijutsu. You don’t have any obvious weaknesses because everything is a weakness.”

Ignoring Sasuke’s inner turmoil completely, Wang Yan looked at him with an unconcerned expression and continued to attack his psyche with the technique of verbal bombardment. “Some people have already become Jonin of Konoha at your age. Others have become captains of ANBU, and there are even those who have killed all their classmates at the ninja school.”

“Do you think you’re outstanding?”

As Wang Yan listed examples, Sakura and Naruto beside him felt their scalps tingling.

Were there really so many monstrous geniuses in the world?

“As for your ideals and pursuits, they’re quite laughable, because fundamentally, they’re wrong.”

As the words fell, Sasuke, who had been patient for so long, finally exploded.

His eyes turned slightly red, and his breath became heavy.

Filled with extreme anger, he couldn’t help but shout, “What do you know! I must kill that man! That’s the sole purpose of my existence! You ignorant fool, don’t meddle in other people’s lives!”

Seeing Sasuke’s outburst, Wang Yan’s lips curled slightly.

He wasn’t afraid of Sasuke losing control; he was afraid of him being indifferent.

“As a high-ranking Jonin of Konoha, I know more secrets than you do.”

“Is the Uchiha clan massacre really what you saw? Do you really think Itachi Uchiha did it willingly? Or perhaps, you don’t even know about the existence of genjutsu?”

Three consecutive questions caused the overwhelmed child to collapse instantly.

Sasuke began to doubt the truths he had firmly believed in the past.

Was Itachi, who had been so gentle, considerate, and caring, truly the perpetrator of the Uchiha clan massacre?

Memories that had been forcibly sealed away began to resurface one by one.

“Sasuke, I bought some new dango for you to try.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard. Progress in mastering Fire Release should be gradual, or you might sustain hidden injuries and not grow tall in the future…”

Tears streamed down Sasuke’s face as he cried out in agony.


Why was Itachi the culprit!

But on the day of the massacre, he had witnessed it with his own eyes!


Wang Yan adopted a posture of hating iron for not becoming steel. “Didn’t I just remind you? Genjutsu! Did you graduate at the top of your ninja school class through cheating?”

Hearing this, Sasuke’s pitch-black heart suddenly brightened.

His tear-streaked face twisted slightly, and colors of “hope” began to appear in his watery eyes.

“Could it be… Itachi was framed? Was genjutsu used on me?”

“Yes! It must be like this! There’s definitely a conspiracy!”

Squeezing his fists tightly, Sasuke’s gaze gradually became determined. “I will become stronger! The strongest! I will take the position of Hokage! Just like the First Hokage, become the undisputed ruler of the entire ninja world, expose the true culprit of that year, and help Itachi clear his name!”

In the vast expanse of the multiverse, many truths are universal.

For example: People only believe what they want to believe.

The newly transformed black-haired youth, with gratitude in his eyes, looked at Wang Yan. Wang Yan sneered, mercilessly shattering the other’s fantasies. “Actually, I was just teasing you earlier. In reality, the culprit who slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan was indeed Itachi Uchiha.”

“That night, someone did indeed use genjutsu on you, but the name of the genjutsu caster was also… Itachi Uchiha.”

The last four words, as if carrying some kind of magic and invisible fluctuation, penetrated Sasuke’s mind, stirring up waves in his sea of memories.

Memories about his elder brother surfaced one by one.

Beautiful memories were so worth cherishing, while cruel memories were so heart-wrenching.

Under Wang Yan’s mental manipulation, Sasuke’s eyes turned crimson, and spirals of double tomoe appeared beside his pitch-black pupils.

“Activate your Sharingan. It’s the first gift I’ve given you. How is it? Satisfied?”

Wang Yan’s lazy voice entered Sasuke’s ears, and his expression instantly twisted.

To hell with activating the Sharingan!

He would rather not have come to this damn place today!

Just as he was about to make a move against Wang Yan, an invisible force restrained him.

The air seemed to turn into shackles, and apart from moving his eyeballs, Sasuke couldn’t do anything.

“What does ‘activating Sharingan’ mean?”

Naruto, who was beside him, didn’t understand, but he didn’t want to continue being a bystander and jumped out, saying, “Teacher, what about my gift?”

“Don’t worry, everyone will get one. But my gift is not so easy to accept.”

Wang Yan’s eyes contained a smile.

Those who accepted his favors would inevitably become Reincarnators, toiling for him until the end of time.

The small yellow fox’s face revealed a slyness unique to him, and his azure eyes sparkled like the clear sky. “Can it enhance my strength? I want to become a man worthy of being Hokage!”

He noticed that Sasuke seemed much stronger after his eyes turned red. Even if he used his Shadow Clone Technique, he might not be able to defeat him.

This teacher Wang Yan was much more formidable than he had anticipated! He should take some benefits now and curry favor with him. What if he missed the opportunity later?

Having grown up under bullying and humiliation, Naruto had independently grasped some wisdom of survival.

“In a sense, the gift I’m giving you is even better than the one I gave Sasuke.”

Wang Yan’s expression was peculiar. “But I have a question to ask first…”

“Do you want to become Hokage, or do you want to become a man worthy of being Hokage?”

The pure-hearted Naruto simply couldn’t understand the difference.

On the other hand, Sakura blushed, her eyes darting back and forth between Sasuke and Naruto, her face changing colors like a dyeing workshop—sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes white, sometimes purple.

Curiosity, excitement, nervousness, jealousy, sadness, happiness…

Wang Yan was seeing such a complex expression for the first time.

“Ah! It’s too troublesome! I’m Naruto Uzumaki, and I want to become a man worthy of being the Hokage! That’s my ninja way!”

With a pout, the little yellow-haired boy resorted to a crude attempt at provocation. “Teacher, why do you always beat around the bush? Could it be you can’t afford a proper gift for me?”

“How could that be?”

Wang Yan smirked mysteriously, resembling a shady vendor selling pills on the street. “The gift I’m giving you is called…”

“Relying on the Mountain.”

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Be the Main God from Naruto

Be the Main God from Naruto

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2019

Dominating the Naruto world, reigning supreme in the Marvel universe, and wreaking havoc in One Piece.

Modifying ghouls, researching titans, and altering Dragon Ball.

This is the story of the Main God, Wang Yan!

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