Be the Main God from Naruto Chapter 16

Naruto's Quick Guide to Makeup Dark Arts

“Relying on the mountain? What does that mean?” Naruto blinked.

“Background, connections, backing…”

Wang Yan pondered for a moment before giving a rather blunt answer, “In short, after receiving this gift, no one in Konoha will dare to bully you anymore. Everyone will respect you, adore you, and protect you.”


Sasuke, trapped in the air barrier, sneered disdainfully.

He had been observing Naruto for years and was clearer than anyone else about Naruto’s status and treatment in Konoha.

Insults, ridicule, defamation, physical abuse…

For someone like Naruto, would people suddenly respect and adore him because of a gift?

What a joke!

This conclusion was reached after calm and rational consideration, not because of the teasing just now, Sasuke firmly believed.

Although he felt a bit resentful for being toyed with emotionally just now, after his emotions calmed down, Sasuke still felt a sense of gratitude towards Wang Yan.

Being able to awaken the Sharingan, and even directly reach the second stage, was of great help to his strength improvement.

If he hadn’t come here today, he probably wouldn’t have been able to reach this level even after practicing hard for several years.

“This team leader is quite capable. If I can get him to teach me everything he knows…” Sasuke’s thoughts turned, harboring some ideas.

Little did he know, Wang Yan was fully aware of all his thoughts and intentions.

Sakura, who had been quietly standing by, had no reaction whatsoever.

Her facial muscles were a bit strained from overactivity, so she couldn’t make any expressions to express her inner emotions at the moment.


A richly illustrated booklet appeared in Naruto’s hand.

Naruto squinted, reading the contents of the booklet word by word, “Quick Guide to Dark Makeup Arts.”

He flipped through several pages with interest, becoming more intrigued the more he read.

In his opinion, the so-called dark makeup arts were equivalent to a long-lasting transformation jutsu! And it was an advanced ninjutsu that didn’t require chakra to maintain!

Although he was quite satisfied and pleased, Naruto still pouted, “What! Teacher is such a big liar! This gift is much worse than Sasuke’s!”

“That’s because you don’t understand my intentions.”

Wang Yan said with a serious tone, “I have a story, do you have any sake?”

Naruto and Sakura shook their heads. Meanwhile, Sasuke, who was unable to move, looked around with his eyes, circling back and forth.

“Forget it, I’ll just tell you directly. It’s about the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.”

The three of them simultaneously made a disgusted sound, “Ugh~”

The Fourth, the protector of Konoha. Sacrificed himself to protect Konoha from the Nine-Tails’ attack.

Sakura looked worriedly at the little yellow-haired boy beside her.

Naruto, rumored to be the reincarnation of the Nine-Tails, the existence that killed many residents of Konoha…

“The Fourth Hokage, named Minato Namikaze, was proficient in space ninjutsu Flying Thunder God and his self-created ninjutsu Rasengan, he was an extraordinary person.”

Wang Yan pondered for a moment, then snapped his fingers.


A colorful light screen appeared instantly in front of the three of them.

It was a portrait of a person.

Blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a robe with the words “Fourth Hokage” on it, with a bright smile on his face, exuding extreme charisma.

At this moment, Sasuke noticed that the air barrier had disappeared, and he could move freely again.

He looked up at the statue of the Fourth Hokage on Hokage Rock, then at the fluorescent light screen.


Turning his head to look at the little yellow-haired boy beside him…

It was as if they were carved out of the same mold as the Fourth Hokage.

“Could it be… Oh…”

A bold idea popped into Sasuke’s mind, causing him to inhale sharply, his face full of shock.

If his idea was true, then the hidden side of Konoha concealed beneath the light might be so dark as to be suffocating.

What Sasuke could think of, Sakura naturally could think of as well.

She felt a bit short of breath.

As for Naruto, with his thick nerves, he stared at the light screen and commented, “Wow! Is the Fourth Hokage this handsome? He’s much stronger than the Third old man! But then again, he looks so much like me…”

But Wang Yan showed no intention of considering their emotions, continuing to speak on his own, “Minato Namikaze’s wife was Kushina Uzumaki, a member of the famous sealing clan Uzumaki. They both sacrificed themselves during the Nine-Tails’ invasion.”

“In order for the villagers to remember their sacrifice, for the safety of the village, and also to ensure that their children could grow up happily, they decided to seal the Nine-Tails into their own child.”

“For some reason, the ultimate sealing jutsu, which originally perfectly matched the Uzumaki bloodline, inexplicably loosened a bit. As the Fourth’s child grew older, traces of the Nine-Tails began to appear on his face.”

“At the same time, rumors began to spread in the village that the Fourth’s child was the Nine-Tails from back then, the culprit behind the chaos in Konoha.”

“This child’s name is Naruto Uzumaki.”

Wang Yan finished his story.

Sasuke rubbed his forehead with one hand, his eyes filled with gloom.

Sakura covered her mouth, her face filled with horror, worried that she would be silenced after knowing such a huge secret.

Naruto was the Fourth’s son! And Sasuke was the only survivor of the Uchiha clan apart from the renegade Itachi!

What about himself?

Just a child from a civilian family…

Sakura was dumbfounded, but a violent voice roared in her mind, “Find Book Garden,! We’re done for this time!”

Wang Yan’s reassuring look immediately calmed Sakura down thanks to the powerful effect of mental suggestion.

Naruto looked like he had won the jackpot, staring blankly at his own face, “Teacher, are you teasing me too?”

With Sasuke’s example as a warning, Naruto couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

Wang Yan pretended to clench his fist, silently reciting the mantra of altering reality. The previously illusory colored light screen was instantly filled with countless particles, eventually condensing into a scroll.

Throwing the scroll with the portrait of the Fourth Hokage to Naruto, he said unkindly, “Go back and study that Dark Makeup Arts book well, and see how you can become more like your dad. Many villagers know what he looks like, so take control of your own destiny.”

After saying this, Wang Yan glanced at the remaining resource points.

After giving Sasuke and Naruto their gifts, his resource points increased directly from 60,000 to 80,500!

“Waiting to harvest them as reincarnators will yield another wave. This is the long-term strategy.”

Wang Yan nodded imperceptibly, quite satisfied with this harvest.

“As for Sakura…”

Wang Yan’s smile made Sakura’s heart jump.

“I wonder if you guys have the concept of ‘saving the best for last’?”

As nervous as she was, Sakura completely let go. She sang the song “Cold” in her heart, answering, “The most important things are often placed at the end. This concept is extended to many fields. For example, the protagonist always appears last.”


Wang Yan snapped his fingers, pointing a finger at Sakura’s forehead, with a look of approval on his face:

“You, are the protagonist!”

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Be the Main God from Naruto

Be the Main God from Naruto

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2019

Dominating the Naruto world, reigning supreme in the Marvel universe, and wreaking havoc in One Piece.

Modifying ghouls, researching titans, and altering Dragon Ball.

This is the story of the Main God, Wang Yan!

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not work with dark mode