Daily Life in One Piece Chapter 2

Insufficient Strength, Choosing to Make Up for It

Dark clouds scattered, and sunlight poured in. In the distance, a warship with a seagull emblem sailed towards the island under the sun’s shadow.

A large and two smaller warships sailed on the sparkling sea!

On the largest warship in the middle, a colonel draped in a Justice cloak gazed at the initially peaceful and serene island. However, the sight before him was not the orderly village buildings of the past but a scene of ruins and several plumes of thick black smoke!

“Colonel Franca, it seems we’re too late. Mido Village has already been looted by those damned pirates!” reported a navy lieutenant, lowering his telescope and reporting to the colonel in the middle.

“Damn it, I will never let that foolish pig go. Those who desecrate justice will be destroyed!” Franca’s resolute face was filled with anger as he gritted his teeth. “Dock the ship first, see if there are any survivors, and capture these damned pirates to execute them all.”

“Yes, Colonel!”

The warships quickly docked, and navy soldiers in white uniforms and blue pants swiftly disembarked to search for possible survivors and deal with the hellish scene left by the pirate’s rampage.

In a corner of the village, Arufa Mosen and his younger brother gathered their deceased foster parents’ bodies.

The two brothers used simple tools to dig a grave for their parents in their small garden.

A rough, large stone stood crookedly before the small mound, with a few freshly inked words on its uneven surface.

It read: The Tomb of Loving Parents Alpha King and Merry.

The two brothers knelt before their parents’ grave, their clothes still stained with blood and dirt. Their young faces were full of grief and pain, along with the strength and deep-seated hatred brought by this suffering.

Unlike his brother, Mosen’s eyes also held a sense of regret that gnawed at his heart, even though these parents were not related to him by blood.

Mosen was a child adopted by the Alpha couple at the age of 10, but his soul was that of a stowaway from another world called Earth.

In the other world, Mosen was a programmer from a renowned university’s computer science department. Despite his sound educational background, it couldn’t change his nature of working day and night. Finally, after three days of sleepless overtime, he died suddenly in his solitary studio.

It might have been because he was reminiscing about his youth while watching One Piece anime, or perhaps some great existence heard his rant: “Momonosuke must die!” Or maybe it was because he accidentally spilled a bottle of soda on his computer.

Thus, he inexplicably joined the vast ranks of transmigrators and caught the last train to the One Piece world.

As the saying goes… Maybe it was because he forgot to wash his hands before transmigrating. Mosen found himself in this world, inhabiting the body of a recently deceased child. Unfortunately, this child was a homeless drifter on the sea.

It could be due to people’s generally higher physical quality or the child he inhabited had good innate talent.

In any case, Mosen racked his brains and used all the survival knowledge he had learned in his lifetime to survive until he was rescued by his foster father, thus officially becoming a minor member of this world.

Despite diligently exercising for the past two years and being fully aware of the terrors of this world, the peaceful village that seemed like an idyllic paradise gave him a false sense of security and peace.

So, he only worked hard to maintain good health without striving desperately, let alone training like the main characters in this world.

Until the tragic events, Mosen realized deeply that this was not anime but a brutally honest world.

However, this realization came at a tremendous and painful cost!

Things are always like this; for one to grow, there must be a catalyst. The fastest growth comes from excruciating pain.

At this moment,

Mosen recognized this world, not just its surface but its brutal core—without strength; everything is an illusion, quickly shattered. The apparent tragedy told him that the values of his previous world didn’t apply here.

The sea carried not only men’s dreams but also the hiding places of countless evildoers and ordinary people’s helpless pain.

If Mosen had a Devil Fruit, even if it were just a Zoan type, the outcome wouldn’t be what it is now.

“I must become stronger!”

“To become stronger, joining the pirates isn’t realistic. With such a weak body, the first battle could be game over. Learning swordsmanship at a dojo requires knowing a good one, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have the money for tuition. To receive systematic training, only the Navy can provide that.”

Mosen made a silent resolution. He knew there were many ways to become stronger in this world. However, the only feasible path before him was the sub-violent organization of the world’s most potent force—the Navy!!

Two hours later

At the village entrance, the arriving navy cleared the main road, and all the soldiers were lined up.

Standing before Colonel Franca were Mosen and his brother, along with a 4.5-year-old surviving girl named Kino.

“Report, Colonel. Only three children survived the entire Mido Village, and they have all been brought here,” a soldier reported loudly, bringing the three children to stand before Franca.

Franca looked at the three remaining children. Two older boys were covered in blood and dirt, their rough yet somewhat delicate cotton clothes indicating their family wasn’t too bad off.

“Kids, I apologize for what happened to you. I promise to wipe out those damned pirates!” Franca assured Mosen and the others. “As for you, don’t worry. I will send you to the welfare home at the navy base town…”

At this point, Mosen had completely calmed down. Although he didn’t recognize the colonel before him, it was expected since only a tiny part of the navy appeared in the anime.

But judging by his words and actions, it was clear that Colonel Franca genuinely upheld naval justice.

“Colonel, please allow me to stay in the navy. Brutal pirates must be punished. I am willing to join the navy and bring these inhuman pirates to justice!” Mosen interrupted Franca, gritting his teeth.

Reality isn’t anime. This world truly exists, but relying on the anime knowledge from his past life to become strong was nothing but a pipe dream!

Not to mention that the storyline he was familiar with started over ten years later.


Only by joining the Navy could he learn formal training methods and become more robust step by step. Otherwise, unless he were lucky enough to get a legendary Devil Fruit, training on his own wouldn’t give him a chance for revenge!

The notorious pirates and the monster-filled Marine Headquarters clarified that one had good training or a Devil Fruit with talent.

After two years in this world, he finally saw it clearly, though at a terrible cost!

So, before the navy arrived, Mosen had already decided on his path.

Join the navy, become strong, and then… avenge!

As for after revenge… deal with that when the time comes!

With a flash of thought, Mosen continued his plea: “Colonel, you can see that the pirates killed everyone in our village. Even living in the welfare home, we would be trapped in the pain of losing our loved ones. Blood debts must be repaid with blood! Please allow me to join the navy!”


“My name is Mosen, Colonel! I’m already 12 years old, not a kid anymore!”

“Oh, a stubborn kid, huh? The navy doesn’t take 12-year-olds.” The colonel muttered, then said to Mosen, “Well, Mosen, although I can’t officially recruit you, I can take you in as an apprentice choresman. The navy doesn’t accept useless people. If you can’t do well, I’ll kick you out of my base, got it, Mosen?”

“Choresman Mosen at your service, Colonel!”

Mosen saluted, albeit imperfectly, with a slightly smiling face filled with deep sorrow.

“Damn it, it’s apprentice choresman! Apprentice.”

“I feel like I’ve recruited an extraordinary person…”

First mission accomplished!!

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Daily Life in One Piece

Daily Life in One Piece

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020
The transmigrated Mosen ate the Slip-Slip Fruit. During a news interview, when asked about his strength, he said, "What's the use of strength? Being handsome is a lifelong endeavor!"

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Marine Headquarters: "If I could beat you, kid, I'd believe you about your shoes."

On an island in the New World, from the grave of a certain pirate with a bounty of 450 million, there came a sound of knocking on the coffin lid: "I believe you, my ass."

On Amazon Lily, a certain Empress: "Bastard, you're almost as good-looking as I am. Unforgivable!"

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not work with dark mode