Daily Life in One Piece Chapter 7

Speed is Crucial, Style is Essential

Imagine a man over three meters tall, weighing at least 300 kilograms, wielding a 500-kilogram spiked club, bringing it down with the force of a mountain.


The spot where Mosen had been standing was now a two to three-meter-deep crater, dirt and dust flying everywhere.

Even though Mosen had dodged, he was still covered in sand.

“It seems that brute force isn’t an option. Seriously, with that kind of strength, why not work in construction instead of being a pirate?”

Mosen muttered to himself, realizing he needed to be more careful. His young body still had a significant strength gap compared to these pirates at their peak.

“I wonder what kind of food those New World monsters eat to grow so strong.”

Garoush Wild Boar wielded his spiked club, clearing all obstacles.

Mosen had calmed his agitated blood, pointed his sword forward, and charged into the dust cloud.

In such poor visibility, his keen hearing was his greatest asset.

Using the dust as cover, Mosen’s agile movements allowed him to slash at Wild Boar from tricky angles.

“Roar, roar, you little brat! Stop bouncing around like a flea and fight me like a man!”

Wild Boar, whose vision was limited and relatively clumsy, had accumulated several wounds and was on the verge of berserk.


Wild Boar’s footsteps faltered, giving Mosen an opportunity. He kicked Wild Boar in the chest, sending him crashing into the nearby buildings.

Two houses collapsed instantly!

Mosen wasted no time and slashed at Wild Boar’s tree trunk-like leg.

“Ahhhhh, damn it, that hurts!”

“But I’ve got you now, you slippery eel. Heh, heh, heh, die, you brat.”

Mosen found himself in grave danger. Wild Boar had pretended to be kicked into the house, dropped his weapon, and took a slash just to slow Mosen down.

These experienced killers, still alive after countless battles, were nothing like the weaklings in anime.

“Damn it, this guy really wants to tear me apart.” Feeling the intense pain and pulling on his shoulder, Mosen knew exactly what Wild Boar intended.

If he couldn’t break free, he’d end up torn apart.


Mosen forcibly dislocated his left arm, partially exposing the bone, using the sudden imbalance to thrust his sword into Wild Boar’s chest.

“Ah, damn it, this hurts!”

Mosen screamed, the blade scraping against Wild Boar’s ribs, and blood gushed out, soaking Mosen.

Wild Boar had to let go to avoid having his heart pierced.



Mosen hit the wall behind him, the impact not too severe. It seemed his attack had critically injured Wild Boar.

Strike while the iron is hot!

“Ugly pig, let’s see who kills whom first. Take this!”

Killing Move: Hell’s Elegy!

Countless blade shadows surged towards Wild Boar. Losing too much blood, Wild Boar could only defend himself with one hand while clutching his chest with the other.


The support beams and columns of the building were all cut, causing the structure to collapse.

Without wasting time, two figures, one ahead of the other, dashed out of the dust and sprinted into the distance.

By now, their battle had demolished the entire island’s structures. Everywhere they fought was left in ruins.

In the northeast of Goru Island, Mosen, and Wild Boar he stood ten meters apart, glaring at each other, breathing heavily as if they were about to drop dead.

Mosen’s white shirt had turned into tattered rags, his black pants were uneven, and his sturdy beast-hide boots exposed his toes.

Most seriously, his left arm dangled uselessly, bone protruding from torn flesh. Blood trickled down, mixing with dust to form a black-red crust. A wound from Wild Boar’s spiked club across his forehead nearly took out his right eye, and his body was covered in numerous minor cuts.

His sharp sword, one of the 50 skillful grade swords, ‘Whisper,’ had several notches and a visible crack halfway up the blade.

Wild Boar fared worse. He would have already fallen if not for his dense fur absorbing much of the damage.

His massive leg had a deep cut, almost severing an artery and exposing the bone.

A gaping wound near his heart nearly pierced through him.

Covered in countless cuts of varying depths, Mosen estimated Wild Boar had lost several liters of blood.

Wild Boar’s spiked club, now broken in half, was useless.

One heavily bleeding pirate and one navy ensign with a broken arm still retain 30% combat ability.

After half an hour of fighting, the victor was clear. Gunfire from the distant port, clearly from navy-issued rifles, signaled the arrival of reinforcements.

“In the end, it’s I who will send you to hell. Clearly, my handsome face is favored by the heavens.”

With victory assured, Mosen didn’t mind a bit of trash talk. After all, it was fun to banter, especially when the opponent would soon die from blood loss.

Not everyone could handle bleeding like a woman on her period, constantly without any problems.

“Hohohoho, killing me won’t be that easy, brat.” Wild Boar leaped off the cliff behind him, disappearing.

“Wait for my revenge!”

Mosen was stunned. Wasn’t it the villains who died because they talked too much? How had the roles reversed? He, the protagonist and upright navy ensign, couldn’t get a word in?

Racing to the cliff, Mosen saw it was only about ten meters high.

Below, an inlet of seawater curved inward, and Wild Boar was scrambling onto a hidden speedboat.

“So this is the pig’s escape plan? Who said pigs are dumb? I’ll fight anyone who says so!”

His small boat was close, but Mosen couldn’t jump down. Doing so would aggravate his left arm, potentially dislocating it permanently.

He tore off his tattered shirt, hacked two planks from nearby debris, and secured his left arm to his body, the whole process taking less than two minutes, survival instincts in full gear!

“Sorry, ‘Whisper,’ my friend. When we return to base, I’ll treat you well and even find you a female sword to serve you. Pray for my safe landing.” Mosen muttered, trying to distract himself from the excruciating pain in his left arm.

Luckily, ‘Whisper’ held firm as he slid down the cliff. Perhaps it was the promise of a female sword?

Spitting, Mosen continued, “Damn single sword!”

The speedboat was just a distant black dot when he finally unfurled his sail.

From this distance, even a top sniper couldn’t hit him, and Mosen was no elite marksman with a perfect rifle.

On the choppy sea, Mosen clung to the boat to maintain balance, avoiding jarring his left arm further. It was pitiful enough already.

Left Arm: Sorry to bother you.

Trailing Wild Boar, Mosen wasn’t worried. Wild Boar was losing too much blood, and unless he found a doctor quickly, he wouldn’t survive.

Navigating without a map was risky, but Mosen wasn’t overly concerned.


The wind picked up unexpectedly. The once-clear sky filled with dark clouds, signaling an impending storm.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Is my bad luck following me? Thanks, but no thanks, heavens!” Mosen muttered, feeling defeated. “Maybe singing ‘Go away, clouds’ will help.”

Clouds: ???

Wishful thinking, kid!

Lightning flashed, and a storm engulfed the sea. With no time to furl the sail, Mosen cut the mast.

It made no difference. The storm’s fury dwarfed his small boat’s defenses.

Wave after wave tossed the boat high, then repeatedly smashed it down.

Only by tying himself to the boat with his navy cape did Mosen avoid being thrown into the sea.

As his internal organs and limbs felt like they were about to separate, the storm finally subsided.

Sunlight reappeared, warming the now calm sea.

On the nearly wrecked boat, Mosen felt disoriented: Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going?

Coming to his senses, he saw unfamiliar waters and no sign of Wild Boar, feeling frustrated: If I jinx myself again, I swear…

A bird flew overhead, dropping a gift on him.

“That’s it! You’ve crossed the line.” Mosen reached for his rifle to shoot the bird, only to realize it was missing. “Where’s my rifle? At least my sword is here.”

“Wait, a bird…”


Mosen used a broken plank as a paddle, frantically following the bird.

“Wait for me, bird brother. I’m your long-lost sibling… no, master!”

Bird: The other party has logged out.

Soon, a small island appeared on the horizon, spurring Mosen on.

Another uncharted island, covered in lush forest.

More importantly, at 3 o’clock, a large shadow clung to debris, nearing the shore. Wild Boar.

Exhausted, Mosen dug deep for more strength, knowing Wild Boar’s condition must be worse.

Wild Boar, indeed in worse shape, barely clung to life, the storm and injuries taking their toll. Seeing a tree laden with fruit, including a peculiar spiral-patterned one, he saw hope.

With no strength to walk, Wild Bo

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Daily Life in One Piece

Daily Life in One Piece

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020
The transmigrated Mosen ate the Slip-Slip Fruit. During a news interview, when asked about his strength, he said, "What's the use of strength? Being handsome is a lifelong endeavor!"

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Marine Headquarters: "If I could beat you, kid, I'd believe you about your shoes."

On an island in the New World, from the grave of a certain pirate with a bounty of 450 million, there came a sound of knocking on the coffin lid: "I believe you, my ass."

On Amazon Lily, a certain Empress: "Bastard, you're almost as good-looking as I am. Unforgivable!"

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not work with dark mode