Dragon Ball I Will Become an Angel as a Saiyan Chapter 27

Earth, Here I Come

“Drink some water first.” Ren changed the subject and handed over a bottle of water.

Ren naturally knew that Broly’s father, Paragus, was still on the Vampa planet.

But Ren can’t take Paragus with him.

Broly’s father is similar to most Saiyans; he is full of evil in his heart and is trying to control Broly.

If Paragus’s spaceship had not malfunctioned on the Vampa planet, he would have found a way to control his son Broly and train him into a tool to seize the throne for himself.

It’s not Ren’s style to keep such people around.

Broly is different from his father. He is a relatively simple Saiyan, and his personality is even somewhat similar to that of Sun Wukong.

Ren just wants to take Broly away.

Broly took the kettle handed over by Ren and looked through it carefully. He didn’t know how to open it. He looked up at Ren with a confused look on his face.

“You do this…then do this, and do this again.” Ren took out another kettle, pressed the button on the kettle, and revealed the straw.

Ren took a sip of water through the straw.

Broly followed Ren’s example, opened the kettle lid, put his mouth on the straw, and took a sip.

Immediately afterward, Broly’s eyes lit up, his expression full of excitement and surprise.

What is this?

Why does it taste so good?

“Gudu… Gudu…”

Broly quickly drank the large bottle of water.

Broly wiped the water from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand and even clucked his lips.

Broly felt so happy.

“Good man…” Broly looked at Ren with a grateful expression.

Ren: “…”

I gave you a water bottle, and you said I was a good person.

“Would you like ham?” Ren took out another piece of ham and handed it to Broly.

Broly’s eyes flashed with confusion again, and he even put his nose up to sniff it like a dog.

After smelling the aroma of ham, Broly’s eyes showed surprise, confusion, and a hint of greed.

Immediately afterward, Broly snatched the ham and bit into it.

Taking a bite of ham, Broly felt endless deliciousness.

Broly suddenly felt that the food he had eaten before tasted worse than shit.

Now, this is called delicious food.

Broly felt that happiness came too suddenly.

There are such delicious things in this world!

While eating, Broly’s tears fell.

I want to eat, but I am greedy.

Broly was crying.

“Don’t worry. There will be more delicious food waiting for you in the future.” Ren said with a smile.

Broly nodded vigorously and quickly ate the ham in his hand. Then he raised his head, stared at Ren eagerly, and licked his tongue.

Ren: “…”

“Broly, you are a human, not a dog.” Ren said with a smile.

“Dog?” Broly had no idea about dogs.

“You will understand later.” Ren smiled slightly.

“Dad…” Broly suddenly thought of something and turned again to look toward Planet Vampa.

“I’m not your father. Just call me Ren from now on.” Ren said.

Broly scratched his head vigorously, not knowing how to answer this question.


Planet Vampa.

When Paragus returned from exploring outside, he saw a messy scene near his home.

“Did Broly…did he go berserk again?” Paragus frowned, “This bastard! This son of a bitch! He made such a mess here!”

Immediately afterward, Paragus looked around, looking for Broly everywhere.

“Broly, this little bastard, where is he now?” Paragus muttered in a low voice and shouted Broly’s name loudly.

However, there was no movement from Broly.

But Paragus was not worried because Broly would go on a rampage in the past, and there was a certain chance of him getting lost.

It doesn’t matter if he gets lost. He will come back when he returns to normal.

The longest time, it took Broly 7 days to come back.

However, what Paragus didn’t know was that this time, Broly never returned.

“Two years! Two years! I, Paragus, have been trapped on this barren planet for two years!” Paragus looked up to the sky and sighed.


The vast starry sky and the vast universe.

Ren’s spaceship, traveling rapidly, drew a bright arc in the sea of ​​stars.

Next, Ren plans to go to Earth.

After all, there are many good things on the Earth.

Like fairy beans or something.

Although Ren can heal himself, if the angel’s power is used up, he will not be able to heal himself unless he waits for the angel’s power to slowly recover.

Previously, on Namek, Ren used the powerful power of angels to eliminate all negative energy.

Ren’s angelic power was almost exhausted, and it took several hours to replenish it.

If you have a fairy bean, it will be much more convenient to replenish it.

Moreover, Ren also plans to collect some delicacies on the Earth and put them into a universal capsule.

The most important thing is that Ren wants to transform this spaceship into a capsule to carry it with him.

Although Ren can now survive in space, his flight speed is still far behind that of a spaceship.

Before the speed exceeds that of a spaceship, a spaceship is the best means of travel.

In addition, Broly is still unable to survive in the universe. If that doesn’t work, he can use the Dragon Balls of the Earth to help Broly achieve the ability to survive in the universe.

Of course, the premise is that Broly is obedient enough.

Ren wouldn’t mind sending him back to the Vampa planet if he was as unruly as Vegeta.

The spacecraft is traveling rapidly toward the Earth at an extremely fast speed.

About 10 days have passed.

Ren saw the familiar but unfamiliar blue planet in the universe – the Earth.

Viewed from space, the Earth seems to be a blue gem, emitting a charming blue light.

In the vast starry sky, the Earth appears so small and fragile, like an abandoned orphan, silently facing the vast universe alone.

However, this lonely planet carries the hopes and dreams of countless lives.

Broly also saw this beautiful planet and couldn’t help but rub his eyes. His eyes widened with shock.

This is the first time for Broly to see such a beautiful planet.

“This…is…” Broly still couldn’t speak fluently. Surprisedly, he pointed to the blue planet and turned to look at Ren.

“That’s the earth.” Ren replied.

“Dad…” Broly patted his forehead and suddenly thought his father was still on Vampa.

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Dragon Ball: I Will Become an Angel as a Saiyan

Dragon Ball: I Will Become an Angel as a Saiyan

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

After crossing into the world of Dragon Ball, Ren became a Saiyan of Planet Vegeta. At the start, he traded a simple starchy sausage made of technology and hard work for Whis's simplified version of Ultra Instinct. Unexpectedly, he ended up cultivating the power of an angel.

From then on, Ren strived to become an angel.

Years later.

All the gods sat together at one table during the 88th convention of the Universe's Gods of Destruction, Supreme Kais, and apprentice angels.

Beerus suddenly stood up: "Ren, stand up for a moment."

Ren: "????"

Beerus: "Just stand up, it'll be quick."

Ren stood up, puzzled.

Beerus: "I wanted to say that everyone here is trash!"

Ren: "Beerus, sit down. I want to join in too."

Beerus: "You're an angel, why do you want to join?"

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