Marvel Randomly Load Chapter 2

What? You Are Wanda!


“Let go of that girl!”

“Don’t kill anyone!”

“Eat my stick!”

The two soldiers weren’t the last of Hawking’s “victims.”

Every time he encountered injustice, or someone in danger, he would always rush headlong to help. His body had defied his own logic and will.

He was sure that this was the influence of the Protagonist Template that he had loaded.

He knew himself very well. He wasn’t usually this obsessed with fights and justice.

He concluded that there are advantages and disadvantages for loading a Protagonist Template.

The advantage, quite obviously, was the strength that he gained from the Protagonist Template. The disadvantage, however, was that he would be affected by the mentality and habits of the character.

“Soon, soon.”

To prevent more delays, he made an effort to pick more remote routes away from any combat or survivors. Finally, he had escaped the thick of war in the middle of the city and arrived at the edge of the city.

The Protagonist Template didn’t have much time left from the hour that he had.

“No way, again!”

Hawking was rushing on the rooftops, right at the outskirts of the city, when a missile suddenly dropped from the sky and shot towards the two-story house not far from him.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see the couple that owned the house, huddled in fear within the house.

“Fuck you and your families!”

Hawking pulled out the Ruyi Jingu Bang on his back and jumped towards the two-story house. He ordered the staff to quickly grow longer and deflect the missile away.

He then landed on the second floor balcony of the house.

“Oh, God!”

The middle-aged couple had witnessed Hawking’s whole stunt and stared at him with their mouth agape.

Unfortunately, they didn’t even have the time to feel relieved.

Following the cursed missile, coming from a different direction, was an even bigger missile.

A missile this size wouldn’t only obliterate the second floor and the couple, but the entire building and even the two children hiding in the basement downstairs.

Hawking also noticed the missile.

He felt that even Goku’s body wouldn’t escape unscathed from a direct hit from that missile.

Therefore, he closed his hands and began to gather Qi,

“Ka – me – ha – me – ha!”

Turtle School’s ultimate move, the Kamehameha, was activated, and a powerful beam of energy shot straight at the incoming missile.


The missile was obliterated with a loud explosion by the Kamehameha, leaving no trace.

“Alright, that’s that.”

Hawking clapped his hands and began preparing to jump away when he suddenly felt his body go limp. It was as if he had fallen from heaven straight into hell as the strength in his body disappeared. He closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

“The time, it’s over.”

Hawking didn’t expect that the Protagonist Template would have such a side effect.

The middle-aged couple was still shocked by the sight of Hawking single-handedly destroying the missile, but when they saw their savior fainting on the balcony, they immediately rushed to pick him up and secure him in the basement.


Dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness.

Hawking gradually regained some consciousness, and his eyelids moved slightly.

A little girl’s voice, filled with concern, rang in his ears.

“Are you OK?”

“Hello, thenkyu, thenkyu, hawa yu…”

Hawking immediately realized something was wrong. His eyes instantly opened wide.

In front of him were two confused children, a girl and a boy. They were both around ten years old.

“What are you talking about? We don’t understand.”

The little girl tilted her head and turned to look at the little boy next to her.

“Do you understand what he is saying?”

The little boy also shook his head.

The two of them learned English from movies that they watched with their parents since they were very young, but the boy in front of them had said something wildly incorrigible and confused them.

“Oh, sorry, my bad.

“Can I ask a question? Who are you? Where is this place?”

Hawking observed the children’s faces and scanned the room. He then spoke in English.

He was an international trade salesman in his previous life. His salary wasn’t that high, despite his haughty title, but his English had been pretty good because of it.

His last memory was using the Kamehameha to blow up the missile, before the Protagonist Template expired and he fainted on the balcony. He wanted to get some information from these children.

“My name is Wanda Django Maximoff. You can call me Wanda.”

“My name is Pietro Django Maximoff. You can call me Pietro.”

The twins introduced themselves in unison.

“This is our basement. Mom and Dad went out to buy food and told us to stay here.”

“Pietro, Wanda, and twins…this is…”

Hawking suddenly had a bad premonition. He tentatively asked,

“Do you know which country this is?”

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other and blinked before once again replying in unison:


The two must’ve thought that the little boy their parent brought in yesterday wasn’t very bright. He didn’t even know the name of the country they were in.

“It’s… it’s really Marvel. I actually transmigrated into Marvel’s world!”

After confirming it again, Hawking almost cursed.

Although he was not a veteran Marvel fan, he had seen most of Marvel’s movies, including some TV dramas, although he had never read the comics.

Therefore, he knew quite a bit about this Marvel universe.

The twins’ names could just be coincidence, but this country didn’t exist in real world. It was a fictional country made for the comic series.

Whichever version it was, most Marvel universes are not safe. Many of them even hold powers to destroy multiple universes.

Even the relatively moderate Marvel Cinematic Universe that Hawking knew was quite perilous.

“I’ll have to do my best to survive.”

After thinking for a while, Hawking could not help but sigh.

He might have welcomed the rebirth to the world if it had been a safer world.

In any case, his parents had long since divorced in his previous life. They had formed their own families and even had more children. He never had a place between their new families, and thus, he had no attachment to that world.

That life wasn’t worth living.

“Still, I didn’t think that I would save Scarlet Witch’s parents. This might be a good thing.”

Hawking felt comforted when he looked at little Wanda, who was wearing a red coat.

This girl’s future is a multiverse-level threat. She would definitely be great asset. If he played his cards right, his safety would basically be guaranteed.

As long as he could keep Wanda from turning to the dark side.

However, saving Wanda’s parent should turn the wheels of fate to his favor. This Wanda would experience a better childhood, greatly reducing the chance of her turning dark.

“Now, where could I survive in this world…”

His current body was only eleven or twelve years old. He had no status. Although his trump card was strong, it could normally only be used for an hour, and the side effects were quite severe.

Talking with the children gave Hawking some idea.


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Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

I traveled through time and arrived to the extremely dangerous version of Marvel Universe, the 838 universe with the Illuminati, just in time for the Sokovia War in November 2000. Bullets were flying and artillery fire shook the Earth.

Fortunately, I can randomly load templates of Main Characters: Goku in Dragon Ball, Harry in Harry Potter, Naruto in Naruto, Luffy in One Piece, Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach, Seiya in Saint Seiya, Tiga in Ultraman Tiga, Simon in Gurren Lagann...

The protagonist template can only be used for one hour a day, but as long as it is used at least once, you can obtain the talents, skills. genetics, and memory corresponding to the protagonist template. You will slowly become stronger through practice, and you will not become weaker even if you lose the cheat ability in the future.

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not work with dark mode