Marvel Randomly Load Chapter 20

S.H.I.E.L.D. Appears

Hawking was eager to fight Magneto while his Goku template was still loaded, but even under Goku’s influence, saving people was still more important.

So instead of directly fighting Magneto, he used the triple afterimage technique to deceive Magneto and kill the Master of Illusion first.

With the Master of Illusions dead, no one can control Professor X, meaning mutants and humans are all safe.

Master of Illusion’s life was quite pitiful. He accidentally killed his mother, and was turned into experiment subject by his own father.

But it had nothing to do with Hawking, so he could only say sorry.

He couldn’t risk the entire human life to bet that he could defeat Magneto, especially with his own life and that of Wanda, Oleg, and Iryna in the balance.

“Magnificent…You’re just the best!”

The angry Magneto slowly floated up, and the entire Cerebro chamber began to tremble.

If it weren’t for Hawking, he would have killed all the humans on earth at once, made mutants the masters of the world, and fulfilled his greatest wish in life.

“Eric … Are you here to save me? “

Professor X’s weak voice whispered.

Once the Master of Illusion dies, Professor X regained his consciousness. He took off the Cerebro helmet, turned the wheelchair with difficulty, and looked at the floating Magneto.

Seeing this, Magneto took a deep breath and descended back to the ground..

“Charles, open your eyes. Do you still believe that you’re fighting for justice?

“They don’t play by your rules. They even wanted to kill all mutants!”

Before the Master of Illusion died, Hawking and the people in the mutant school who prevented him from annihilating humanity were enemies, but now that the Master of Illusion is dead, they are no longer enemies, at least they shouldn’t be enemies now.

Just like his relationship with Charles, both of them are fighting for the interests of mutants. They simply took on different paths and ideals.

But other than decisive moments like converting all the senior government officials into mutants on Liberty Island before, and just now killing all humans, they needed each other more than anything.

So at this moment, Hawking has become one of the important forces of mutants in his mind. He should not be killed, but be won over to his side as much as possible.

“Eric, people sometimes stumble and lose their way, but that doesn’t mean they will be lost forever. Sometimes you just need someone to give you a hand.

“As long as we work together, we can guide humanity in a better direction!”

Professor X didn’t get angry at Magneto’s ridicule. He insisted on his own ideals.

“You are still so naive, Charles. Humans will only destroy us. We will never coexist. Our conflict will never end.”

Magneto snorted coldly.

Hawking chimed in between the arguments.

“How about we leave and find safer place to talk?”

They weren’t exactly out of danger yet. If something goes wrong with the dam, they’d all be finished.

Hawking was uninterested with the ideological debate between the two. He is not a mutant, and there is no real right or wrong in such matters.

It all depends on what identity you take as your first position.

If you think your mutant identity is the most important, even more than your family and friends, then kill all humans.

If you think family and friends are more important, then it doesn’t matter whether they are mutants or not. If someone wants to kill your friends and family, would you not resist just because they are mutants?

In a world like Marvel, there’s really no need to argue about this.

Country and country, race and race, skin and skin, mutants and humans, humans and synthetics, earthlings and aliens, if you really want to make the distinctions, there are too many to count.

Going a step further, the earth and the sun were both created by the Celestials, and mutants are just the products of human genetic modification by the Celestials. Neither were noble nor lowborn.


Suddenly, the door to Cerebro opened, and Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops and others rushed in.

It turned out that Colossus and Wolverine worked together to suppress Deathstrike, rushed over with Stryker, and used his password to open the door of the brainwave enhancement room.

As for Cyclops and Deathstrike, their mind control expired with the death of Master of Illusion.

“Forget it, let’s go!”

Magneto saw the situation turned against his favor and led Mystique out of the Cerebro. The plan failed, time to part ways.

“No, let them go.”

Professor X stopped Storm and Cyclops from going after Magneto.

This place was different from the open air setting of the Liberty Island incident. Carelessly fighting here would destroy the dam. Magneto could simply fly away, but the X-Men would be in trouble.

It wasn’t like the professor learned nothing from the incident. Maybe there’s no benefit in keeping Magneto away.

After Magneto and Mystique left, Professor X turned to look at Hawking:

“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that this kind of incident would occur the first day you got here. I thank you for your help.

He had read Storm’s memories and learned about the attack on the school, as well as Hawking’s contribution in saving both humans and mutants.

He didn’t want Hawking to join the battle so early. He just wanted him to go to school well and join X-men after graduation.

He didn’t expect an incident to occur in his very first day. Fortunately, Hawking wasn’t helpless, and Magneto’s nightmarish future was averted.

“I said I won’t let you regret your decision that day.”

Hawking smiled.

But Professor X’s next sentences wiped the smile from his face.

“I also want to say that you are not allowed to smoke or drink in school, at least until you are an adult.”

He turned to Wolverine.

“And you, if you give him cigarettes next time, then I will definitely turn your mind into a six-year-old girl, and then let Jean give you some beautiful braids.”

The others laughed at Professor X’s scolding.

Professor X looked at the dead Master of Illusion once more, a pang of guilt in his heart, before leading everyone out of the Cerebro.

The Master of Fantasy was once his student, but even he couldn’t teach every student to control their abilities perfectly.

Meanwhile, outside the base.

As soon as Magneto and Mystique stepped out of the flood gate, a sharp arrow flew towards his head.

“Who on earth…”

He used his ability to freeze the arrow, but before he could inspect it closer, the arrow exploded, blowing his body several steps back. Mystique helped him get back to his feet.

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Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

I traveled through time and arrived to the extremely dangerous version of Marvel Universe, the 838 universe with the Illuminati, just in time for the Sokovia War in November 2000. Bullets were flying and artillery fire shook the Earth.

Fortunately, I can randomly load templates of Main Characters: Goku in Dragon Ball, Harry in Harry Potter, Naruto in Naruto, Luffy in One Piece, Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach, Seiya in Saint Seiya, Tiga in Ultraman Tiga, Simon in Gurren Lagann...

The protagonist template can only be used for one hour a day, but as long as it is used at least once, you can obtain the talents, skills. genetics, and memory corresponding to the protagonist template. You will slowly become stronger through practice, and you will not become weaker even if you lose the cheat ability in the future.

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