Marvel Randomly Load Chapter 26

Boy, I Owe You One


“Could it be that the wizard’s bloodline is also spiritual?”

Recalling the wizards in Harry Potter, they never seemed to be short of magic power when casting spells. Perhaps the wizard’s bloodline lies mainly in the soul and spirit.

Use your spirit to transform the infinite energy of the outside world into magic power, and then cast magic.

Therefore, if wizards use too much magic, they will feel a little mentally exhausted at most, but they will not run out of magic power.

There are also some evil black magics that will pollute the spirit. Young wizards who do not learn magic or whose spirits are stimulated will become dull. Sometimes the stronger the mental will, the more powerful the magic will be.

Some wizards will turn into ghosts when they die. Voldemort’s soul can still possess animals after death, and then re-create the body and resurrect it.

All signs seemed to confirm his suspicion.

He boldly hypothesized that the reason why a lower-level Saiyan warrior transformed into a giant ape was because their spirit could not suppress the destructive urge in their blood, resulting in loss of reason.

Because he had his own spiritual superposition, he could still maintain a trace of sanity in the giant ape state.

Therefore, now that he had the spiritual fortitude of the wizard bloodline, he can truly transform into a giant ape like a superior Saiyan warrior while maintaining his sanity.

Of course, he could only speculate based on what he knew about these bloodlines.

He couldn’t be sure whether this was true or not, but as long as it was developing in a good direction, who cared!

“Ahem, Professor Charles, I was just joking. I think your suggestion is very good and it’s worth considering.”

Nick Fury, seeing the giant ape reappear, bashfully changed his mind with some excuses.

Of course the kid could turn into a child and into a giant ape at will. Why would it be otherwise?

On the other side, Captain Marvel, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn’t help but frown when she saw Hawking transform into a giant ape again.

However, she also discovered some differences. The giant ape’s eyes used to be red and crazed, like a monster that only knew how to fight and destroy.

The red color now faded, and it showed signs of intelligence.

That was why she held back from attacking him.

“Maria, hold your attack…”

Nick Fury’s voice rang in her ears.

Nick Fury agreed to negotiate with Professor X, so she should refrain from attacking the giant ape.

Similarly, Hawking, who was thinking about what to do next, also heard Professor X’s voice in his ear.

“Hawking, how are you doing now? Can you maintain your sanity?”

The system counter-surveillance function stopped Professor X from reading Hawking’s memory, but non-intrusive telepathy was not affected.

The panel will not help Hawking intercept these, it just prevents the system’s existence from being noticed by others.

In fact, when Hawking transformed into a giant ape the first time, the professor also tried to communicate with him, but at that time his heart was filled with rage and destruction, and he was unable to communicate at all.

The professor clearly felt that his mind had calmed down after transforming again.

“Professor, I can now control my transformation.”

“Okay, let’s stop fighting for now. Nick Fury…”

The professor told Hawking the content of the negotiations.

Hawking thought for a moment and replied:

“Okay, but Professor, judging from what happened just now, we can’t completely trust them to keep their promise not to do this again…”

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was not a man of principles and integrity. He was willing to negotiate only because the situation forces him to do so. If something unexpected happens, the negotiations may break down at any time.

For example, knowing Hawking’s current true strength, knowing the limits of his transformation, etc.

So it is best to take full control of the initiative so as to avoid subsequent troubles.

“Okay, I’ll do as you say. I’ll ask him to come out and talk face to face, and then I’ll hold him back to buy you some time.”

After hearing Hawking’s proposal, Professor X thought about it for a moment and then agreed.

Because he was also wary of Nick Fury and the way SHIELD operate.


“I guess at least we don’t have to fight now.”

Hawking looked at Captain Marvel across from him, trying hard to suppress the instinct of Saiyan blood. His body quickly shrank and turned into a child again.

“You’re right, kid, but I suggest you wear some clothes.”

Captain Marvel landed opposite Hawking and smiled as she looked at Hawking’s naked body.

Passing the wand from his right hand to his left hand, Hawking quickly picked up fragments of the wizard’s robe on the ground with some embarrassment and wrapped it around his waist.

The transformation had just broken the wizard’s robe, and now that he had recovered, his body had no clothes to wear.

And at this time, X-Men’s plane and the Quinjet also landed next to them.

Professor X led the mutants, while Nick Fury led Captain Carter and the others.

“I’m going to find something to wear inside. Of course, if I need to fight next, I wouldn’t bother to change. I’m ready to transform at any time.”

Hawking joked as he pointed at the X-Men plane.

“I think our relationship will be harmonious in the future!”

Nick Fury squinted his eye and forced a smile at Hawking’s threatening joke.

He has now classified the mutant boy in front of him as top level class, comparable to Professor X and Magneto. And if he’s disregarding their influence and only focus on their destructive power, the boy was even worse.

If this guy goes crazy in the city, it would be an absolute disaster.

“I also think this is just a misunderstanding. We just have to clear it up. Hawking, go and change your clothes in peace.”

Professor X smiled.

“That would be for the best.”

Hawking nodded, then walked around the X-Men transport plane.


After boarding the fighter plane, he immediately cast a repair spell to restore the wizard’s robe to its original shape, then quickly mounted the Firebolt, put on the invisibility cloak, and slowly flew out again.

His wizard robe was torn when he transformed just now, but he kept the Firebolt, Invisibility Cloak and wand in his hands.

Going into a fighter plane to change clothes is just a reasonable excuse to leave.

Completely covered by the large invisibility cloak, Hawking rode the Firebolt carefully around the two negotiating groups, and then quietly came to the hatch of the Quinjet.

He carefully controlled the Firebolt to fly into the Quinjet, and after a search, he soon found Magneto and Mystique who were knocked down by anesthetics.

“Petrify! Petrify!”

Two lightning-fast full-body binding spells fixed the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents guarding Magneto and Mystique in place. Hawking then pointed his wand at Magneto and Mystique.

“Wake up!”

The resuscitation spell was a spell that can instantly wake a person up no matter what state they are in.

“Good evening, we meet again!”

When Magneto and Mystique opened their eyes, they saw Hawking’s smiling face floating in the air. They almost thought they saw a ghost.

After roughly understanding what happened, Magneto looked at Hawking and said:

“Boy, I owe you a favor!”


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Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Marvel: Randomly Load a Protagonist Template

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

I traveled through time and arrived to the extremely dangerous version of Marvel Universe, the 838 universe with the Illuminati, just in time for the Sokovia War in November 2000. Bullets were flying and artillery fire shook the Earth.

Fortunately, I can randomly load templates of Main Characters: Goku in Dragon Ball, Harry in Harry Potter, Naruto in Naruto, Luffy in One Piece, Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach, Seiya in Saint Seiya, Tiga in Ultraman Tiga, Simon in Gurren Lagann...

The protagonist template can only be used for one hour a day, but as long as it is used at least once, you can obtain the talents, skills. genetics, and memory corresponding to the protagonist template. You will slowly become stronger through practice, and you will not become weaker even if you lose the cheat ability in the future.

Become a Patron read up to 30 chapter ahead public release ^_^

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