Marvel Saiyans Chapter 10

Rage Mode


An explosion flipped a heavy Chevrolet Suburban SUV, blocking the convoy’s path. The remaining vehicles tried to reverse, only to find their way blocked by a van. Wearing a mask, Broly jumped down, kicking the reversing SUV back, crashing it into the vehicle in front.

“The target is in the third vehicle.”

Alejandro pointed at the SUV Isabel was in and pulled the trigger, suppressing the bodyguards in the other vehicles with his gunfire.

Broly nodded, casually reached into a nearby vehicle, and twisted the neck of a gunman who was shooting. He then strolled casually through the gunfire toward Isabel’s SUV.

A stout man opened the car door and stepped down.

“You picked the wrong target.”

His voice was hoarse as if his throat was lined with sandpaper.

The stout man’s muscles erupted with tremendous power in the next moment. His bulky body shot forward like a cannonball, launching a punch towards Broly’s chest. Broly did not dodge; instead, he looked forward to it.


The dull sound was like the bursting of a heavy truck tire. Broly was sent flying by the punch, smashing through the glass of a shop on the street and lying on the ground, his life or death unknown. People hiding inside the shop immediately screamed and fled in all directions.

The stout man sneered and twisted his neck; the poor guy probably had all his bones shattered and couldn’t possibly have any organs intact.

“Senseless to think you could target the Reyes Group. You’re all going to die!”

The bodyguard from the passenger seat got down from the vehicle, rifle in hand, and pulled the trigger at Alejandro, pinning him inside with intense gunfire.

The bullets riddled the van, turning it into a sieve. The van’s windows were filled with bullet holes.

Alejandro opened the door and rolled out of the van. Only the engine compartment could shield against the rifle bullets; staying inside meant certain death. His facial muscles twitched; he hadn’t expected Broly, on whom he pinned high hopes, not to withstand even one punch. It seemed he was doomed this time.

He wasn’t afraid of death, but he regretted not being able to avenge his wife and daughter.

Just then, Broly, lying on the ground, suddenly leaped up and stood. He appeared unharmed and seemed to have grown taller, his muscular body bursting through his clothes.

“You’re quite good, the first to make me enjoy a fight. I hope you last a bit longer.”

His voice became somber as he stepped out of the shop, standing before the burly man. Though they had been about the same height before, Broly was now a head and a half taller.

Saiyans are naturally quick to anger, and Broly is among the most volatile. The punch he had just received pushed him past his threshold into a rage mode.

The stout man’s pupils constricted. Despite being brainwashed and of low intelligence, his instincts screamed at him, warning that Broly in front of him was extremely dangerous.

The next moment, he let out a furious roar and landed a punch right on Broly’s chest.


A gruesome sound of snapping filled the air as his hand bone broke, his fingers twisted grotesquely like pretzels.


He screamed in pain, clutching his twisted hand and stumbling back a few steps. His expression turned to one of fear; this was no ordinary opponent!

Broly, too, was stunned for a moment. He hadn’t anticipated that his Rage Mode would amplify his strength to such an extent. The mutant’s strength was about seventy percent of his own, but upon accidentally entering Rage Mode, he became as vulnerable as an infant.

How could he enjoy the thrill of battle like this?

Broly struggled to calm himself, trying to exit Rage Mode.

Unfortunately, his mind was chaotic, dominated only by a desire for destruction and battle. “What are you retreating for? Attack! Hold off this monster!” the bodyguard feared, retreating into the SUV. He rammed the wrecked SUV in front, the powerful engine roaring as it sped away, trying to escape the terrifying Broly.

Broly realized that in his Rage Mode, he couldn’t control his emotions and was becoming increasingly irritable and aggressive.

Realizing the deteriorating situation, he reluctantly abandoned his attempts to exit Rage Mode. With a mighty stomp, he vanished from the spot with a loud boom, leaving only a deep footprint behind.

He traced a narrow arc in the air, instantly covering nearly a hundred meters, overtaking the speeding SUV.


He landed about ten meters ahead of the SUV, his feet sinking deep into the ground.

“Explosive Kick!”

Broly’s bomb-like leg power sent the SUV, which was moving at over fifty miles per hour, flying back like a soccer ball, crashing into the building on the roadside.

The sturdy front half of the SUV was kicked into oblivion, and the driver and security in the front seats were instantly reduced to mush. Isabel, strapped in by her seatbelt, barely survived but was bloodied by the impact.

Effortlessly tearing open the SUV’s body, he grabbed Isabel inside like picking up a chick. The next moment, he leaped up again, landing beside the mutant, casually knocking him unconscious and tucking him under his arm.

“Let’s clean up and get out of here,” Broly said, struggling to contain his boiling urge to destroy.

The original van was wrecked, so Alejandro chose a still-intact Chevrolet Suburban SUV and left the scene.

“Was that your true strength just now?” Alejandro gripped the steering wheel, his hands still shaking. He had done dirty work for the CIA and knew secrets unknown to the general public. He knew of a physicist who, after being exposed to gamma rays in an experiment gone wrong, turned into a vast green monster when angered.

This transformation was very similar to Broly’s. Provoked, he had grown much larger, and although his appearance hadn’t changed much, his strength had increased tremendously, much like the legendary Hulk.

Even a fully armed tank battalion couldn’t stop Hulk in a rage. If Broly possessed Hulk-like strength, he could single-handedly take down the Reyes Group.

He felt closer to avenging his family than ever before.

Broly had recovered from his Rage Mode, now feeling incredibly weary—not from physical exhaustion, but mental.

“In some ways, not yet.”

Even in Rage Mode, his strength would continue to increase with battles fueled by anger and fighting spirit. His intelligence would plummet in this state, but his martial prowess would skyrocket.

As a legendary Super Saiyan, that’s just how formidable he was. Whether in the old or new movies, Broly, without proper training, still rapidly grew stronger in battle, overpowering seasoned warriors like Goku and Vegeta.

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Marvel Saiyans

Marvel Saiyans

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2022

A spaceship landed in the desert of Texas.

Inside was not Superman from Krypton, but a survivor of the Saiyan warrior race. A homebody, now burdened with the task of Saiyan revival, struggled to accept his new identity—Broly, the super boss from the Dragon Ball movies, the legendary Super Saiyan.

Afterimage Technique, Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, Senzu Beans, and Capsule Corp/s Technology!

Broly thought he was about to embark on an electrifying journey, wielding a kitchen knife to cut power lines and leaving sparks and lightning in his wake. However...

"Congratulations, host, you've acquired the skill: Satan's Martial Arts!"
"Congratulations, host, you've acquired the skill: Oolong's Shapeshifting Technique!"

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not work with dark mode