Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1


“I always feel out of sync with the people around me, stumbling through life in pain. Everyone thinks I’m not normal, and they’re right because I’m not—I don’t want to be normal!”

Isabella Swan flips through the diary left by her predecessor, the entries revealing some mental distress and long-term rejection that filled her heart with exhaustion.

To fit in, she tries to harmonize with everyone around her—teachers, classmates, her mother, and, yes, her mother’s current husband.

She joins various clubs, shops with girlfriends, watches male classmates play basketball, clumsily participates in debates, and engages in various odd volunteer activities on weekends, discussing topics she cares about least. She wants to integrate into society and not be seen as a weirdo.

Unfortunately, effort doesn’t always yield rewards. The girl’s beautiful face grows weary, her bright smile loses its charm, and she still ends up labeled as weird, silent, and withdrawn despite all her efforts.

Feeling depressed, she is overly startled by a prank, allowing the traveler to take over.

“What a naive child. If someone provokes you, just retaliate!” Isabella Swan picks up her predecessor’s makeup and, with the help of a primer, foundation, loose powder, eyebrow pencil, and lipstick, applies a light makeup that somewhat covers the paleness of her face, nodding at her reflection in the mirror.

This was the main reason her predecessor was ostracised.

“I am simply too beautiful!”

She could have been a commanding princess but ended up as miserable as a maid. Isabella Swan feels it’s a pity for her.

Her attempts to make those who bullied her predecessor kneel and sing in conquest at school ultimately fail, as her predecessor’s poor social skills led her mother to arrange a transfer.

The cold transfer notice snaps Isabella Swan out of her ‘I’m so beautiful’ loop back to reality.

“Forks High School? Are you sure? You’re not joking?” she must confirm with her mother.

Her mother, Renée Dwyer, is still lovely and under forty, and her robust new husband has their own story that ordinary people would understand.

Renée gently strokes Isabella’s hair: “Baby, why such a big reaction? Haven’t you always wanted to reunite with your dad? Go, take a break. The climate in Washington is comfortable but not as dry as Arizona.”

Isabella processes the subtext from her mother—that she should leave and stay with her father as long as possible while they enjoy their life.

The next day, her mother and her husband go on their trip.

Washington State and Washington D.C. are unrelated, not even in the same direction. Washington State is in the northwest corner of the country, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and Canada to the north, a typical northern state.

Isabella Swan is moving from the southern state of Arizona to the northern state of Washington for school, a journey her mother seems unconcerned about.

According to her mother: “Bella is already an adult. She can handle such small matters independently, just like I did at her age.”

Bella wanted to explain to her aunt that she had only been transported here two days ago and knew nothing about Washington State!

Reluctantly, the following day, young Bella still pulled her suitcase and left her house alone.

The sunlight filtering through the trees seemed to paint the world in gold. People bustled about the city, working hard for their families, while Bella, full of thoughts, headed towards the bus station.

She was saying goodbye to this city.

Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, sounds promising—like a phoenix rising from the ashes, soaring high! Such a beautiful implication!

Indeed, the girl had died suddenly at work in her previous life and found herself reborn when she opened her eyes again.

Initially, she felt fortunate, but after learning about the existence of Stark Industries and Oscorp in this world, she considered herself unlucky.

Receiving the notice from her mother to attend high school in Forks, Washington, she felt doubly cursed, as if adding two misfortunes together spelled “chill.”

Was this place a Marvel world blended with elements from the Twilight movies or books?

She didn’t need to ponder such profound questions about the nature of the world.

According to her memory, Forks was a remarkable place. Werewolves lived to the north of the town, and a family of vampires resided to the south, with occasional vampires zipping through the city. The term ‘dangerous’ was an understatement for Forks.

What could she do? The girl didn’t know how to handle it.

Should she drop out of high school and start a company? She felt she lacked the intellect and the capital, having only a thousand dollars to her name.

Her only option was to tough it out in Forks and live with her biological father to finish high school. After that, she planned to apply to a university far from the United States—the farther, the better!

“Isabella Swan? United Airlines wishes you a pleasant journey.” The airport staff efficiently handled her luggage check-in, making routine conversation.

After passing through security, her phone rang. Pulling out her old flip phone, she glanced at the number before pressing the answer button.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, Bella, darling. Are you at the airport yet?”

Dealing with such a troublesome mother, Bella felt her luck had been drained during her transportation.

To say there was no affection between mother and daughter would be inaccurate.

To say their relationship was deep would be somewhat lacking.

Once the traveler arrived, the already fragile mother-daughter bond worsened.

Her mother devoted most of her attention to her new husband, gradually neglecting her daughter. Today’s journey was just another example, merely warranting a phone call from her.

“Yeah, no problem, I can manage. Have fun, you guys.”

Her mother’s care was American, and Bella’s response was quintessentially American.

After exchanging a few words, she quickly hung up.

Bella listened carefully to the airport announcements, fearing any changes to her flight.

Besides beauty, her predecessor had left her nothing. Her English was peculiar—her vocabulary was sufficient. Still, since she had never lived in an English-speaking environment, she needed to translate words and sentences in her mind quickly. When chatting with her mother, she often thought of how to respond just as the conversation continued.

Listening carefully was essential to avoid missing important information.

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Marvel’s Princess

Marvel’s Princess

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2021

No matter what I do wrong, I will always be forgiven because I am simply too beautiful!

A magical princess's brand new journey in the world.

A Marvel universe that blends elements from various movies and games.

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