Naruto’s Strongest Force Chapter 1

The Coup and Shisui's Death

Konoha, Year 55, outside the village in the woods.

Step! Step! Step!

Dense footsteps echoed.

Uchiha Natsuki led his team members, hurrying back to the village.

“Captain! Slow down! We’ve completed the mission, why are you in such a rush? Do you want to take on a new mission already?”

The teammates who had been left behind cried out in despair.

Their captain had changed dramatically after being injured a few months ago. He frequently sought audiences with the clan leader and took on missions obsessively.

They had just returned from the Land of Rivers and intended to rest for a night, but Natsuki suddenly insisted on rushing back to Konoha. He seemed frantic.

With only his swift movements keeping him ahead, the other two teammates had long disappeared.

Luckily, they were on the outskirts of Konoha; otherwise, encountering enemies would have been dangerous.

[Ding, triggered plot event: Coup, Shisui’s Death.]

Natsuki hurried towards the clan grounds, having just crossed over not even half a year ago, now facing Shisui’s death.

Originally, he planned to complete more missions, familiarize himself with his abilities, and then defect, finding a place to rest.

After all, he was just a Jonin. Saving the world was a problem for Indra and Ashura.

When the Ōtsutsuki came, the world could be destroyed as it pleased.

Unexpectedly, his golden finger suddenly activated after getting familiar with his physical abilities.

With a golden finger, Natsuki was no longer tired. If he could control his destiny, why slack off?

Right after the Third Shinobi World War, the entire ninja world was in chaos. Numerous missions were available.

In the past three months, Natsuki had narrowly escaped death multiple times and, with a bit of luck, mastered all his original skills.

Natsuki only delayed a bit at Konoha’s gate, and within minutes, he pinned the mission completion proof at the task window.

Finally, he heard the system’s voice.

[Ding, system loading complete.]

[The Strongest Force System will help the host create the most potent force.]

The initial task has been updated: [Rescue Shisui]

Task requirement: Ensure Shisui survives.

Reward: Mangekyō Sharingan powers.

[Beginner’s gift package has been sent.]

Uchiha Acting Elder: Due to a recent elder’s passing and your exceptional performance, you have been granted the position of acting elder.

You can influence Uchiha Fugaku’s decisions.

As Natsuki rushed towards the clan grounds, he checked the beginner’s gift package.

Just this!? So stingy! Not even a Rinnegan or Sage body; at least give me a Mangekyō directly!

I have to do tasks for it.

What use is the acting elder position!?

Not even an intelligent system.

Poor rating!

Poor rating!

Poor rating!

Sigh, complaints aside.

Surviving is still necessary. Something is better than nothing.

Natsuki reviewed Uchiha’s current situation.

Shortly after the Third Shinobi World War, four years after the Nine-Tails incident.

Over these years, suspicion towards the Uchiha Clan had grown, and they faced obstructions in many areas.

The Police Force, notorious for offending people, often involved the proud Uchiha in conflicts, with complaints piling up like winter snow.

However, the most critical issue was Uchiha Shisui, the strongest Uchiha currently.

Konoha had brainwashed him, and now, Danzo had probably taken his eyes.

Instead of thinking for his clan, Shisui naively committed suicide to calm the situation.

Wasting an excellent opportunity for Uchiha’s rise.

Due to his passive efforts, only Itachi ended up fighting alone.

Driving Itachi’s thoughts to an extreme, leading him to slaughter the clan a few years later.

In Natsuki’s view, Fugaku was an unfit leader.

Always swayed by the clan’s will, never making good decisions.

Designed by the Second Hokage, Uchiha, as enforcers, had long-standing grievances with other ninjas in the village.

Seeking the Hokage position was impossible; a vote of confidence would never pass.

Wasting so much time and effort on power struggles was futile.

After the Nine-Tails incident, suspicion towards the Uchiha increased.

Surveillance and suppression were common.

Yet, the proud Uchiha would never bow their heads.

Hawk faction members ran tirelessly for this.

Uchiha and Konoha were at odds, and Fugaku had little say.

According to the timeline, Shisui should be currently pursued by the Root. If Shisui couldn’t be saved, Natsuki’s life would be on a countdown.

Besides the Hokage faction, Obito also didn’t want Uchiha alive.

Then, fleeing Konoha would be the only option.

At the high tower outside Uchiha’s grounds.

An Anbu with a mask watched the Uchiha grounds through a telescope.

“Report to the Third Hokage, the Uchiha gathering has commenced, everything is normal.”


The figure behind him disappeared in a flash.

In the Hokage’s office, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was puffing on his pipe. Even as a legendary ninja, he couldn’t escape the ravages of time.

He felt his strong body weakening.

However, with the sudden death of the Fourth Hokage, only he could stabilize Konoha’s situation.

He waved the Anbu, who reported away.

“Gathering. Fugaku, don’t disappoint me. Shisui, it’s up to you.”

“I fear my left eye is also his target. Before that happens, I entrust this eye to you.”

“The only one I can trust is you, my friend…”

“You must protect this village and the Uchiha name.”

“If I die, the situation will certainly change. I have written a will…”

“Don’t stop me, Itachi, if you are my friend.”


When Natsuki entered the shrine, it was already in an uproar.

The Fourth Elder addressed the closed-eyed Fugaku: “Clan Leader, our Police Force faces increasing complaints. The major clans also criticize us. If this continues, Uchiha and Konoha’s relations will only worsen.”

The Fourth Elder, a staunch dove, handled the Police Force complaints, thus having the most say.

Fugaku remained silent, but the Third Elder spoke up.

“So what if relations worsen? Since the Nine-Tails incident, we’ve faced exclusion and surveillance.”

“It’s become worse. The tower outside our grounds is built to monitor us, Uchiha. Clan Leader, it’s time to make a decision!”

The Fourth Elder snapped, “Uchiha Takuya! What are you saying!? Do you want a coup!?”

The Third Elder sneered, “A coup? Konoha was founded by Uchiha and Senju together. Now, we have no presence in the Hokage office or the Elder Council. Our only power is the Police Force!”

The room erupted with the Third Elder’s words, most agreeing.

“Yes! We need a voice! We need power!”

“Clan Leader! Give the order!”

The Fourth Elder was desperate. His biggest supporter was Uchiha Shisui, who was absent today. Fugaku’s silence was unnerving.

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Naruto’s Strongest Force

Naruto’s Strongest Force

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Uchiha Natsuki acquires the Power System and revives the Uchiha Clan to create the strongest force in the Ninja World.
【No Romance】
【Focus on Ambitions】
【Uchiha with Intelligence】
Excluding the Uchiha? Sorry, we're done! Anyone can join the Police Force if they want! "Kakashi, White Fang's death was orchestrated by Danzo, with the Third Hokage's consent. And you're still loyal to Konoha!?"
"Itachi, this time you'll awaken the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."
"Haku, your combat skills are too weak. I'll send you to the Tsukuyomi space for training."
Sorry, but every Uchiha now has the Mangekyō Sharingan.
These days, who fights alone? Attack together! The Ōtsutsuki are coming to destroy the world, and you're still vying for the Hokage position?
Are you crazy?
Danzo: "We cannot let the Uchiha gain power!"
"Sir, Uchiha Fugaku has resigned from his position as Captain of the Konoha Military Police Force."
Third Hokage: "The Hokage position will never be given to the Uchiha!"
"Hokage-sama, the Uchiha have withdrawn from the Hokage election."
"Sir! The Uchiha have founded their own nation!" "What!?" "We don't value the Hokage title. Let someone else be the target." PS: Hizashi is alive simply so Neji can have a father. ...

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not work with dark mode