Naruto’s Strongest Force Chapter 14

The Root Has Plenty of People

Hizashi Hyuga, summoned by the Third Hokage, firmly insisted that the attackers were from the Mist, led by Ao. However, he was vague and evasive about why the Byakugan had failed, providing no apparent explanation.

The Third Hokage didn’t press for details but ordered Hizashi to strengthen defenses to prevent a recurrence. Recently, he had been preoccupied with negotiating a peace treaty with the Hidden Cloud, and this additional issue was stretching his focus thin.

After consulting with his brother Hiashi, Hizashi went to the Uchiha compound to seek Fugaku’s assistance.

“Captain Fugaku, the Police Force is understaffed in terms of deployment,” Hizashi began. “Could you call back some of the suspended Uchiha members?”

Fugaku waved his hand dismissively. “My clansmen are not very compliant. Bringing them back would be difficult, and reassigning personnel is no easy task.”

Fugaku made it clear that he had no intention of getting involved.

Hizashi smiled bitterly. “Captain Fugaku, now I understand the hardships your Police Force faced. Every day, I receive complaints from my clan members. Even when performing our duties, we face constant criticism.”

“Captain Fugaku, we really need your help. Without it, we Hyuga won’t be able to maintain our position in the Police Force.”

Fugaku sipped his tea. “Hizashi, you don’t understand. The complaints arise from comparisons.”

“Comparisons?” Hizashi was puzzled.

“Yes, because you aren’t performing as well as the Uchiha did, the villagers are dissatisfied.”

Hizashi pondered this. Fugaku’s words made sense. The Uchiha, as the top ninja clan, operated with a firm hand, indifferent to anyone’s backing. Though capable, the Hyuga were hampered by the branch family’s need to constantly consider the prominent family’s position. This made them cautious and hesitant.

Now, with an outer patrol team being ambushed outside Konoha, the prominent family was furious and demanded the branch family resolve the issue.

Hizashi had thought of pairing branch members for patrols, but the limited number of branch members meant stretching their resources thin. This led him to seek Fugaku’s help.

“I don’t have a good solution,” Fugaku initially declined. But then, he added, “However, you could ask Kazuya. He often has clever ideas.”

“Oh?” Hizashi glanced at Fugaku, who maintained his usual stoic expression.

Hizashi suspected Fugaku had a plan but couldn’t say it outright and was using Kazuya as a mouthpiece.

“Alright, where can I find Deputy Clan Leader Kazuya? I’d like to speak with him.”

Fugaku stood up. “No need to be so formal. I’ll call him here. Wait a moment.”

Fugaku left the meeting room, and soon after, Kazuya strolled in.

Seeing Kazuya’s prompt arrival confirmed Hizashi’s suspicion that Fugaku had orchestrated this.

Kazuya greeted warmly, “Hizashi, is it? I’m Uchiha Kazuya. I’ve heard of your reputation. We should get to know each other better.”

Kazuya had a favorable impression of Hizashi, who, despite his loyalty, couldn’t escape the confines of his era. Hizashi’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his brother was admirable.

Hizashi was Neji’s father, and Neji’s talent was rare. Kazuya saw value in building a rapport with Hizashi.

Hizashi found Kazuya’s enthusiasm peculiar but appreciated the friendship. “Deputy Clan Leader Kazuya, you’re too kind. I don’t deserve such a title.”

“Haha, let’s drop the formalities. Call me Kazuya, and I’ll call you Hizashi.”

Hizashi smiled. Kazuya’s friendliness was endearing, so he agreed.

Hizashi then repeated his conversation with Fugaku.

Kazuya responded, “Hizashi, the solution is simple. Since villagers are making comparisons, bring in someone who will perform worse than you, to be the scapegoat.”

Someone who would perform worse? Hizashi couldn’t think of a suitable clan.

“I can’t think of any suitable clan,” Hizashi said, shaking his head.

Kazuya decided to be direct. “You could ask Danzo for people. He’s always wanted to place his men in the Police Force.”

Hizashi was taken aback. Danzo’s men meant Root members.

“That’s unthinkable! Those Root members are ruthless. How can they manage this?”

“Precisely because they are ruthless,” Kazuya smiled knowingly. “You need ruthless people to handle public order, freeing up your members for patrols.”

“Hmm…” Hizashi understood. Root members, despite their brutality, wouldn’t harm civilians. And Danzo would seize any opportunity for power, even if it meant making a mess.

Realizing the practicality of Kazuya’s suggestion, Hizashi quickly left the Uchiha compound to discuss the idea with his brother Hiashi.

Hiashi praised the idea. “This Uchiha Kazuya is clever. Fugaku probably sent him to handle this matter. We got into the Police Force thanks to Kazuya and Fugaku. You should maintain this connection.”

Hizashi agreed and soon sent a formal request to Shimura Danzo.

Everyone knew about Danzo’s Root, but he typically received guests at his clan’s estate.

When Hizashi’s request reached Danzo, he was surprised. The Hyuga clan was usually reclusive and rarely interacted with outsiders.

However, as the head of the Hyuga branch family, Hizashi couldn’t be ignored. Danzo quickly agreed to meet.

After brief pleasantries, Hizashi got to the point. “Elder Danzo, as you know, the Hyuga clan has recently taken on many of the Uchiha’s Police Force duties.”

“Indeed,” Danzo replied.

“However, our outer patrol team was ambushed yesterday. We lack sufficient personnel. I’ve heard that Root has plenty of people. I’d like to borrow some to supplement the Police Force. What do you think?”

Danzo was thrilled. He had long wanted to infiltrate the Police Force, but the Third Hokage had permanently blocked him. Now, Hizashi was asking for help, giving him the perfect excuse.

“Hmph, a bunch of incompetents, failing a mere patrol.”

“No problem, Hizashi. Root has plenty of people. How many do you need?”

Hizashi considered. “How about thirty? But, Elder Danzo, your people must follow my orders once they’re in the Police Force. Otherwise, Fugaku won’t agree.”

Danzo readily agreed. “Of course. Once they’re assigned to you, they’ll follow your commands.”

They quickly reached an agreement, and Hizashi took his leave.

Watching Hizashi depart, Danzo smirked. “Once my Root is in, things will be under my control.”

Hizashi, with his Byakugan, could see Danzo’s gaze and thought to himself, “This burden is yours to bear!”

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Naruto’s Strongest Force

Naruto’s Strongest Force

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Uchiha Natsuki acquires the Power System and revives the Uchiha Clan to create the strongest force in the Ninja World.
【No Romance】
【Focus on Ambitions】
【Uchiha with Intelligence】
Excluding the Uchiha? Sorry, we're done! Anyone can join the Police Force if they want! "Kakashi, White Fang's death was orchestrated by Danzo, with the Third Hokage's consent. And you're still loyal to Konoha!?"
"Itachi, this time you'll awaken the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."
"Haku, your combat skills are too weak. I'll send you to the Tsukuyomi space for training."
Sorry, but every Uchiha now has the Mangekyō Sharingan.
These days, who fights alone? Attack together! The Ōtsutsuki are coming to destroy the world, and you're still vying for the Hokage position?
Are you crazy?
Danzo: "We cannot let the Uchiha gain power!"
"Sir, Uchiha Fugaku has resigned from his position as Captain of the Konoha Military Police Force."
Third Hokage: "The Hokage position will never be given to the Uchiha!"
"Hokage-sama, the Uchiha have withdrawn from the Hokage election."
"Sir! The Uchiha have founded their own nation!" "What!?" "We don't value the Hokage title. Let someone else be the target." PS: Hizashi is alive simply so Neji can have a father. ...

Become a Patron read up to 30 chapter ahead public release ^_^

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