Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 1

The Will of Fire

e“Who would’ve thought I’d graduate from a teacher training college, not end up as a teacher, and instead cross over to become one?” After organising his memories, Rie Mokutsuki sighed inwardly.

He felt that he had an unbreakable bond with the word “teacher.”

In high school, he was one of the top students in his art class, so many classmates would come to him for help, earning him the nickname “Teacher Yue.” Then, when applying for university, he ended up in a teacher training college and, on his family’s advice, chose a strong teaching program. In college, he tutored his roommates and got the nickname “Teacher Yue” again.

Unexpectedly, when he graduated, Rie Mokutsuki rebelled and passed the civil service exam, not becoming a teacher.

To his utter surprise, on his first day at work, just as he walked into the office, he suddenly found himself in another world, becoming a new teacher at a ninja academy.

His current body was named Hanyu Mokutsuki; his name was still Mokutsuki, but he had a different surname.

“Sigh, this is not a safe world; there are too many lunatics and paranoid maniacs, and they are very strong,” Mokutsuki sighed in his heart.

He casually observed the office, which was not much different from the one in his previous world, but the sharp kunai casually placed on the desk told him that this was not his peaceful homeland.

What troubled Mokutsuki even more was that he was not only a teacher but also a ninja from the Root organization!

The original body was an orphan cultivated by Root since childhood, and he became a teacher at the ninja academy on Danzo’s orders to observe and record the students, paying attention to any geniuses.

“Working under the Shadow of the Pot is not a good place to be…”

As Mokutsuki was pondering how to survive in this dangerous world, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and a transparent blue panel appeared before his eyes.

[Teacher System Activated. Congratulations on becoming a teacher.]

[Teaching students can earn rewards. The better the student, the higher the reward.]

[You can take outstanding students as disciples for one-on-one tutoring. The teacher earns rewards as the disciple’s strength grows.]

[PS: Both parties must agree to the disciple relationship; it cannot be one-sided.]

Mokutsuki studied the blue panel. It had two options: Personal Template and Master-Disciple. Mokutsuki clicked on Personal Template.

[Name: Hanyu Mokutsuki]

[Age: 18]

[Chakra: 4300]

[Skills: Transformation Jutsu, Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu, Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Body Flicker Jutsu, Konoha-Style Taijutsu]

[Evaluation: An elite among Chunin, slightly more useful cannon fodder in war.]

After reading the somewhat disheartening evaluation, Mokutsuki silently closed the personal panel and opened the master-disciple option. It was blank, likely because he had no disciples yet.

When the school bell rang, Mokutsuki remembered he had a class and gathered his things to head to the classroom.

Although he was a new teacher, due to the shortage of teachers at the ninja academy, Mokutsuki became a homeroom teacher for the freshman class.

Mokutsuki looked at the class roster and saw several familiar names.

There was Anko Mitarashi, and then Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki, the future gatekeepers of Konoha.

When he saw Shisui Uchiha’s name, Mokutsuki’s eyes lit up. This was an extraordinary genius.

Since the teacher could earn rewards as the disciple’s strength grew, the more talented the disciple, the better.

Before entering the classroom, Mokutsuki adjusted his expression, walked in with a bright, sunny smile.

The ninja academy classroom was designed somewhat uniquely. To make it easier for the students in the back to see, the seats were arranged in ascending height.

Mokutsuki’s arrival quieted the previously noisy classroom.

After all, they were all five or six-year-old children, attending school for the first time, curious and respectful of ninja teachers.

Of course, there were exceptions, like the purple-haired girl with a single ponytail sitting in the front row, who said boldly when Mokutsuki entered:
“Big brother, you look really handsome. Are you our teacher?”

Mokutsuki smiled and nodded:
“That’s right, little cutie. I’m your homeroom teacher.”

“Hehe.” The purple-haired girl felt this blonde teacher was a nice person after being praised.

Other students, seeing their interaction, relaxed a bit. Although it was their first day of school, they had heard some relatives complain about strict teachers.

Mokutsuki walked quickly to the podium, wrote his full name on the blackboard with chalk, and formally introduced himself:

“My name is Hanyu Mokutsuki. From today on, I am your teacher. Please take care of me.”

“Yay! Teacher, my name is Anko Mitarashi.” The purple-haired girl was the first to respond.

With Anko taking the lead, the others followed suit, and even Shisui responded.

Mokutsuki, sensing no reaction from the system, felt a bit disappointed. He thought he could take Shisui as a disciple this way, but the attempt to exploit a bug failed.

Mokutsuki did not show his disappointment. After everyone introduced themselves, he raised his hand to quiet them.

“Before we start the lesson, let me ask you a question. Do you know how Konoha was founded?”

The classroom fell silent again. The students looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Although Shisui, who had received clan education, knew a bit, he was too shy to answer unless called upon.

“People built it, of course,” Anko answered after thinking.

“Indeed, people built it, but do you know who exactly built Konoha and why?” Mokutsuki continued from Anko’s answer.

“Before the ninja village era, there was the Warring States period, a time of endless war. Even children as young as you had to take up weapons and fight, and brutal wars could break out at any moment…”

As Mokutsuki spoke of this harsh history, his voice became somber, presenting the brutal reality of the Warring States period to the students.

Maybe because ninja world children matured early, or because this was Konoha, many kids felt the weight of his words, and the atmosphere in the classroom changed.

“At that time, two clans stood out: the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.” Mokutsuki’s tone shifted from sombre to passionate.

“I know, I know. The First Hokage, Hashirama-sama, was from the Senju clan.” When Mokutsuki mentioned the Senju clan, the students immediately engaged, knowing the Senju even if they didn’t know the Warring States period.

Shisui felt a bit disappointed that everyone focused on the Senju rather than the Uchiha. He couldn’t understand why when both clans were founders of Konoha.

“To protect their clans and ensure that future generations wouldn’t have to take up arms, the two clans united to create Konoha and attracted other clans to join, ending the Warring States period. This is how we have Konoha today.”

“Where the leaves dance, the fire burns. The fire’s shadow will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

It was the selfless sacrifice of our predecessors that gave us the present, that gave us the ninja academy. This spirit of selfless dedication is our Will of Fire!” Mokutsuki finished with a solemn expression as if mourning the ancestors.

He thought Shisui might be interested in a teacher who understood history and the Will of Fire.

“So that’s how Konoha was founded. I must pay my respects at the Hokage Rock next time I pass by.”

“I want to become a ninja who embodies the Will of Fire and protects Konoha!”

The students, their minds filled with images of predecessors fighting for their future, were all fired up, determined to follow in their ancestors’ footsteps.

Shisui’s eyes also lit up. This teacher seemed special, and he started looking forward to his time at the academy.

Originally, he had planned to graduate early and help at the police department, but now, he thought there might be more to learn here.

“So, do you know how many chakra natures there are?”

“Five: Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Fire.” Students from ninja families quickly answered.

“Not quite right. There are seven chakra natures. Besides the five basic natures, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, and Fire, there are also two special natures: Yin and Yang.” Mokutsuki corrected with a smile.

Such correction after questioning would leave a deeper impression on the students.

Mokutsuki then began to explain the basics of chakra, occasionally telling jokes to make the students laugh.

Time flew by, and soon, four periods had passed. When the bell rang, Mokutsuki stopped and smiled:

“Class dismissed. Tomorrow, we will talk about chakra extraction!”

Mokutsuki straightforwardly announced the end of class and gave a preview of the next lesson.

Hearing it was the end of class, the students were momentarily stunned, thinking it hadn’t been long since class started. But recalling the four bells, they realised the time had passed quickly under Mokutsuki’s engaging guidance.

“Chakra extraction, I can’t wait.” Anko was eager for the next day.

Her family wasn’t made up of ninjas, so she hadn’t been exposed to this knowledge before.

“Class isn’t boring at all. My cousin lied when he said school was tough. I’ll tell Auntie he stole money for snacks.” Kotetsu looked indignant, feeling almost deceived.

“You could blackmail him for the snacks instead,”

Suggested Izumo beside him.

Kotetsu immediately lit up, patting Izumo’s shoulder in admiration:
“Great idea, buddy. If it works, I’ll share the snacks with you.”

Shisui, watching Mokutsuki about to leave the classroom, thought for a moment and followed him.

[Class Completed. Evaluating…]

[Evaluation: A]

[Utilized stories of predecessors to inspire students’ sense of responsibility and enthusiasm. The class was coherent, highly interactive, and well-received by the students.]

[Calculating Rewards…]

(End of Chapter)

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Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Mokutsuki transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming an ordinary Chunin teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, as well as a member of the Root organization.

Fortunately, he awakened the Teacher System, allowing him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming Danzo's pawn, Mokutsuki diligently taught to enhance his own strength.

"Successfully completed an A-rated teaching session for the first time, received a reward—Mastery of Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation."

"Under your guidance, your disciple trained hard and significantly improved their overall strength, received a reward—Sage Body!"

From then on, the ninja world had a teacher who was solely focused on making his students stronger.

Shisui did not have his eyes taken by Danzo, and he successfully helped the Uchiha clan avoid the calamity of annihilation.

When Might Guy encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was no longer powerless as he watched Might Duy open the Eight Gates and fight desperately.

Obito overcame Uchiha Madara's scheme, did not succumb to madness, and remained the enthusiastic boy who wanted to become Hokage and help others.

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not work with dark mode