Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 2

The Advantages of an Orphan Start

[You have received a reward: Sensory Ninjutsu]

[First-time Teaching Reward: Appraisal Technique]

[First-time A-rank Teaching Reward: Mastery of Fire Nature Transformation]

Receiving three rewards at once surprised Mokutsuki. He felt a sudden influx of memories, especially of training in Fire Nature Transformation.

The memories were incredibly vivid, giving Mokutsuki the illusion that he was an old ninja who had dedicated his life to mastering Fire Release.

“Teacher Hanyu, can I ask you a question?” Shisui asked respectfully.

Hearing Shisui, Mokutsuki, who was about to check his panel evaluation again, stopped and led Shisui to an empty part of the school building. He used Sensory Ninjutsu to check for any powerful chakra signatures but found none.

Relieved, Mokutsuki smiled and said, “Is it something from the lesson you didn’t understand? Go ahead and ask.”

Shisui shook his head. “It’s not about the lesson. I have a question.”

“Teacher, you know that the Senju and Uchiha clans founded Konoha together. Why does everyone only remember the Senju and rarely mention the Uchiha’s contributions?”

Though still a child, Shisui was mature and sensitive. He had noticed the strange looks from villagers when they saw the Uchiha crest on his back while out with his elders.

He couldn’t understand why, despite both clans being founders of Konoha, the Uchiha’s contributions were overlooked and they were even disliked by the villagers.

Seeing Shisui’s puzzled expression, Mokutsuki inwardly thought, “The reputation of Hashirama Senju in Konoha is incomparable to that of Madara Uchiha. How could they compete?”

“You’ve only read about the history from within your clan, right?” Mokutsuki asked.

Shisui nodded. The only history he knew was what the Uchiha taught him.

“A lot happened to bring things to where they are now, and it’s hard to explain it all in a short time.” Mokutsuki showed a hint of difficulty.

Seeing Mokutsuki’s troubled expression, Shisui felt guilty for asking such a complex question. He was about to drop it when Mokutsuki spoke again.

“Never mind, if you have time after school, come find me, and I’ll explain the history to you,” Mokutsuki sighed.

“After all, I owe the Uchiha clan a debt of gratitude. I’ll consider this as repaying that debt.”

Shisui was confused about why Mokutsuki would owe the Uchiha a debt and asked directly.

“My parents were trapped by enemy forces in a war and were saved by a ninja named Uchiha Kagami. Although they eventually died in another battle, I’ve always remembered that life-saving grace,” Mokutsuki said with a grateful look, making up a story.

He was glad the original body was an orphan; otherwise, his improvisation space would have been limited.

Sometimes, the deceased are more useful than the living.

Shisui’s eyes widened with amazement. Uchiha Kagami was his grandfather. He never expected to have such a connection with Mokutsuki, feeling a strange sense of affinity.

However, Shisui wasn’t someone to leverage gratitude, so he quietly thanked Mokutsuki.

Before Shisui left, Mokutsuki used the Appraisal Technique on him.

[Name: Shisui Uchiha]

[Chakra: 500]

[Potential: SS-]

[Evaluation: Six Paths bloodline, highly suitable for Fire Release and Genjutsu, immense potential, recommended to take as a disciple]

As Mokutsuki walked back to the office, he marveled at Shisui’s potential with two shining S-ranks. Even the system recommended taking him as a disciple.

Mokutsuki opened his panel to see if there were any changes in his evaluation.

[Name: Hanyu Mokutsuki]

[Age: 18]

[Chakra: 4300]

[Evaluation: Mastery of Fire Nature Transformation. Your limited chakra is holding back your potential. If this can be addressed, you would be considered an elite among Jonin.]

“Seems like that Fire Nature Transformation mastery is even stronger than I thought,” Mokutsuki mused, realizing he might have underestimated the significance of mastery.

He thought it might be equivalent to a Jonin’s knowledge of nature transformation, but it appeared he might now be on par with the Third Hokage in terms of Fire Release.

Despite knowing only two Fire Release jutsus, Body Flicker Technique, Transformation Technique, and basic taijutsu, with his rewards and increased chakra, he could reach the level of an elite Jonin.

Elite Jonin was comparable to Kakashi and Asuma when the series started, at least.

Mokutsuki felt a surge in power, but remembering his Root affiliation dampened his mood.

First, Root’s curse mark made him feel insecure. Second, Danzo’s penchant for sending his subordinates on dangerous missions further increased his unease.

“I need to take on some disciples quickly and enhance my strength. Even if I can’t kill Danzo and leave, I need to be able to protect myself,” Mokutsuki set a short-term goal.

Entering the office, he found three other teachers, two men and one woman, complaining about their students.

Mokutsuki recognized them since he had met them earlier as a new teacher.

He used the Appraisal Technique on each.

[Name: Yutaka Ikeda]

[Chakra: 2000]

[Potential: C]

[Evaluation: Just a Chunin-level fodder]

All three had similar stats and were deemed fodder by the system.

“Sigh, I’m so unlucky. Why did I get stuck with Class 2-B? I already have Class 1-A,” Yutaka Ikeda complained, spreading his hands in frustration.

“How am I supposed to teach when Class 2-B has both Might Guy and Obito Uchiha, two big-time slackers?”

“My family arranged a blind date for me tomorrow afternoon, but I have a class with 2-B then.”

“Ask a teacher with no class to help or take a leave. The blind date is more important,” suggested Aya Ueda.

Noticing Mokutsuki entering, Aya greeted him with a smile, “Teacher Hanyu, how was your first class? Did my tips help?”

Mokutsuki recalled that this kind of teacher had worried he might be nervous and advised him to chant “carrots and cabbages” while teaching mentally.

Mokutsuki replied politely, “Thanks, the tips worked well. But after class, the students advised me not to be picky with food.”

“Haha, you’re funny, Teacher Hanyu,” Aya laughed, thinking Mokutsuki’s joke meant he had a smooth first day.

“Teacher Ikeda, I’m free tomorrow afternoon. If you need, I can cover your class,” Mokutsuki said, placing his lesson plans on the desk, playing the helpful colleague.

Unlike other teachers, Mokutsuki wanted to be as busy as possible, especially since 2-B had both Obito and Might Guy—students he wanted to observe.

Ikeda’s face lit up with joy, thanking Mokutsuki profusely and promising to treat him to a meal.

In the Hokage’s office, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, watched Mokutsuki seriously discussing the Will of Fire through his crystal ball. He stroked his goatee, feeling that this young Root ninja understood the Will of Fire well.

Danzo thought he had hidden his activities well, but Hiruzen knew about the ninjas trained by Root but not listed under its roster.

Hiruzen tolerated Danzo’s activities, thinking he was also strengthening Konoha, as long as it wasn’t excessive.

But he paid special attention to the ninja academy and personally checked. Unexpectedly, this Root ninja’s first lesson was about the Will of Fire, instilling a sense of responsibility in the students, which Hiruzen approved of.

“Let’s see how he performs. If he’s a real talent, we’ll remove him from Root,” Hiruzen decided.

Mokutsuki’s current performance wasn’t enough to ask Danzo for him yet.

Although technically, Danzo’s people were also his, he still had to consider his old friend’s feelings.

With that, Hiruzen stopped his Telescope Technique and resumed his paperwork, planning to inspect Konoha in the evening.

After dinner, Shisui started looking for Mokutsuki’s residence, as instructed.

Mokutsuki lived in the sparsely populated southeast part of Konoha, a remote area far from the main city.

Thanks to the sparse buildings, Shisui quickly found Mokutsuki’s home, a single-story wooden house in a simple yard.

Entering the yard, Shisui saw a scene that left him speechless and deeply shaken.

(End of Chapter)

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Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Mokutsuki transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming an ordinary Chunin teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, as well as a member of the Root organization.

Fortunately, he awakened the Teacher System, allowing him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming Danzo's pawn, Mokutsuki diligently taught to enhance his own strength.

"Successfully completed an A-rated teaching session for the first time, received a reward—Mastery of Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation."

"Under your guidance, your disciple trained hard and significantly improved their overall strength, received a reward—Sage Body!"

From then on, the ninja world had a teacher who was solely focused on making his students stronger.

Shisui did not have his eyes taken by Danzo, and he successfully helped the Uchiha clan avoid the calamity of annihilation.

When Might Guy encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was no longer powerless as he watched Might Duy open the Eight Gates and fight desperately.

Obito overcame Uchiha Madara's scheme, did not succumb to madness, and remained the enthusiastic boy who wanted to become Hokage and help others.

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not work with dark mode