Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 20

The Smile Doesn't Disappear, It Transfers

“Good morning, Izumo,” Kotetsu greeted as he walked to the ninja academy.

“Yeah, good morning,” Izumo replied.

Kotetsu put his arm around Izumo’s neck in a friendly lock before releasing him and laughing. “Why do you look so out of it?”

Izumo sighed. “Did you forget, Kotetsu? Today is the day we get our exam results.”

“Oh, right. Did you not do well on the exams?” Kotetsu remembered Mokutsuki mentioning that the results would be posted today.

“Exactly. I think my scores might be pretty low,” Izumo said, looking up at the sky with a hint of worry.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t do well either. We’ll probably have the same scores,” Kotetsu said, patting Izumo’s shoulder in comfort.

The two walked to the ninja academy together and ran into Anko just as they neared the school.

“Good morning, Kotetsu, Izumo!” Anko greeted them cheerfully.

“Good morning, Anko,” they replied.

“Why do you both look so down? Did you have nightmares last night?” Anko asked curiously.

“No, it’s because today is the day we get our exam results,” Kotetsu sighed.

“We didn’t do well, and we’re worried our scores will be low.”

“Heh, is that all? I think I did pretty well. I might have scored high,” Anko said confidently, smiling proudly.

“If I do well, I’ll be able to ask Mokutsuki-sensei for a reward again.” Although she hadn’t seen her scores yet, Anko was optimistic and felt like celebrating.

Kotetsu and Izumo both envied Anko’s confidence. “You’re so lucky, Anko. You got second place in the practical exam and did well on the theory, too,” Izumo said, genuinely impressed.

Hearing Izumo’s praise, Anko’s confidence soared even higher, and she strutted forward like a leader. They soon encountered Shisui and other students from their class.

“Shisui, how do you think you did?” Anko asked curiously.

“Just average,” Shisui replied calmly.

Anko’s anticipation for her own scores grew even more. If Shisui, who was usually outstanding, found it average, maybe she had a shot at being first.

“First place might be a stretch, but I should be in the top five, right?” Anko thought to herself. She usually scored in the middle range on exams.

When they arrived at the notice board, a crowd of students had already gathered, discussing the results.

“The scores for Class 1 are so high! Many are in the seventies and eighties.”

“There’s even a perfect score. And it’s the same person who got first in the practical exam. Incredible.”

“No wonder it’s Mokutsuki-sensei’s class…”

“Excuse me, excuse me!” Eager to see her scores, Anko pushed through the crowd, followed by Kotetsu and Izumo. They found the scores for Class 2.

“Eighty points! Yes!” Anko cheered loudly upon seeing her score.

But then she noticed something odd—her ranking didn’t seem quite right.

“Kotetsu, Izumo, have you found your scores?” Anko quickly asked.

“Yeah, I found mine. Ninety-two points,” Kotetsu replied.

“Wh-what?” Anko couldn’t believe her ears.

“Ninety-two points,” Kotetsu repeated.

“Wooden leaf curse!”

Anko punched Kotetsu’s shoulder hard, her large brown eyes filled with disbelief.

“You call that not doing well?” Anko couldn’t help but ask.

“Just lucky, I guess. I thought I didn’t do well, but it turned out okay,” Kotetsu said with a laugh.

“What about you, Izumo? How did you do?” Kotetsu asked.

“Ninety-seven,” Izumo replied with a smile.

“W-what?” Kotetsu felt like he must have misheard.

“Ninety-seven,” Izumo repeated.

Kotetsu heard it clearly this time, and his smile slowly faded as Izumo grew wider.

“I can’t believe I comforted you this morning only to find out you nearly got a perfect score,” Kotetsu grumbled, putting Izumo in a playful headlock and dragging him away.

Anko, seeing this familiar scene, quickly joined in the fun, occasionally sneaking a punch at Kotetsu too.

These two were so infuriating, scoring so well yet tricking her like that.

System notifications

[After studying hard for a month, your disciple Uchiha Shisui achieved perfect scores in his exams. Reward: Chakra +300, Jutsu Proficiency Scroll.]

[Jutsu Proficiency Scroll: Increases the proficiency of any learned jutsu to the proficient level.]

[After studying hard for a month, your disciple Uchiha Obito achieved good results in his exams. Reward: Chakra +150]

[After studying hard for a month, your disciple Might Guy achieved good results in his exams. Reward: Chakra +150]

Just as Mokutsuki expected, the exams indeed came with rewards, much more generous than those for teaching classes. He couldn’t earn 600 chakra points by lecturing for three days straight. Each B-level evaluation only gave him 20 chakra points.

This was still with Obito and Guy performing poorly in theory and not placing first in the practical exams. Otherwise, the rewards would be even higher.

Mokutsuki suddenly felt the urge to suggest more frequent exams. Usually, there were only two exams per semester.

If they held ten exams a semester, he would be soaring.

But this thought quickly dissipated. He knew that such a suggestion wouldn’t be accepted. Conducting ten exams per semester would be exhausting for both students and teachers.

Mokutsuki pondered for a moment and decided to use the Jutsu Proficiency Scroll. With three semesters in a year, each with two exams, he could get six Jutsu Proficiency Scrolls a year.

Since he could get more later, it was better to enhance his strength now to avoid any unexpected dangers.

He used the Jutsu Proficiency Scroll on the Water Severing Wave. Instantly, memories of practicing the technique and various insights flooded his mind.

Although he had learned many jutsus, Mokutsuki believed the most powerful one he had was the Water Severing Wave.

During lunch in the office, Mokutsuki became the center of attention.

“Mokutsuki-sensei, how do you teach your students? Their theory scores are incredible, averaging several tens of points higher than other classes,” Murakami Saruto asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

“Yeah, Mokutsuki-sensei, do you have any tips? My two students barely passed this time, and there’s no guarantee for next time,” Yukio Takaya added.

Guy and Obito had truly astonished him. Not only did they take the top two spots in the practical exam, but they also passed the theory exam.

Just as Mokutsuki was about to respond, a teacher entered the office and said to Mokutsuki, “Principal wants to see you, Mokutsuki-sensei.”

(End of Chapter)

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Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Mokutsuki transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming an ordinary Chunin teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, as well as a member of the Root organization.

Fortunately, he awakened the Teacher System, allowing him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming Danzo's pawn, Mokutsuki diligently taught to enhance his own strength.

"Successfully completed an A-rated teaching session for the first time, received a reward—Mastery of Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation."

"Under your guidance, your disciple trained hard and significantly improved their overall strength, received a reward—Sage Body!"

From then on, the ninja world had a teacher who was solely focused on making his students stronger.

Shisui did not have his eyes taken by Danzo, and he successfully helped the Uchiha clan avoid the calamity of annihilation.

When Might Guy encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was no longer powerless as he watched Might Duy open the Eight Gates and fight desperately.

Obito overcame Uchiha Madara's scheme, did not succumb to madness, and remained the enthusiastic boy who wanted to become Hokage and help others.

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