Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 4

Might Guy and Obito's Potential

“Brother, how’s the situation?”

“Not good. That wretched cousin of mine threatened to tell everyone about my bed-wetting incident when I was three if I revealed his secret to Mihui from next door!” Kotetsu Hagane growled through gritted teeth.

How could their issues involve little Mihui from next door, ruining his reputation? It was genuinely detestable!

“I have an idea. Use your youth as an excuse to play and mess up your cousin’s room. Even though it’s your doing, if he doesn’t clean up in time, he’ll get in trouble. Do this a few times, and he won’t dare to act arrogant again!” Izumo Kamizuki suggested, coming up with another clever plan.

Kotetsu’s eyes lit up immediately, stating that with Izumo’s strategic mind, he would be invincible, much like the First Hokage with Tobirama’s advice. If the plan succeeds, he promises to treat Izumo to snacks.

As Mokutsuki entered the classroom, he couldn’t help but smile at the conversation between these two young strategists.

“Class is starting!” Mokutsuki announced, stepping onto the podium to begin the lesson.

“Chakra is the foundation for using jutsu. It’s created by combining physical energy and spiritual energy.”

Most of the students listened attentively, understanding the importance of this fundamental topic.

Mokutsuki explained while occasionally releasing his own chakra for the students to feel. He interspersed his teaching with anecdotes and stories to keep the class engaged, using questions to deepen their memory.

Soon, the four periods were almost over. Near the end of class, seeing the ever-inquisitive Anko, Mokutsuki decided to appraise her.

[Name: Anko Mitarashi]

[Potential: A]

Mokutsuki thought for a moment and then appraised all the students in the classroom.

[Name: Kotetsu Hagane]

[Potential: B-]

[Name: Izumo Kamizuki]

[Potential: B-]

Mokutsuki was surprised to find that, aside from Shisui, there were only four students with B or higher potential. Besides Anko, Kotetsu, and Izumo, one other student had a B- rating. The rest ranged from C+ to C- and even some with D.

This showed just how extraordinary Shisui’s talent was, overshadowing everyone else.

Anko’s potential also surprised Mokutsuki. Although she wasn’t particularly strong in the original story, her potential rating was higher than the two gatekeepers by several levels.

However, Mokutsuki didn’t plan to take Anko as a disciple just yet. He had a limit of four disciples, and with Shisui already taking one spot, only three were left.

Despite how adorable little Anko was, Mokutsuki reminded himself that being good-looking wouldn’t get him out of Root, and Danzo certainly wouldn’t let him go because of it.

[Class completed. Evaluating…]

[Evaluation: A]

[Reward: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique]

“This jutsu is nice but not very useful for me right now,” Mokutsuki thought to himself.

As a technique that Naruto used from start to finish, the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique was extremely practical, provided one had enough chakra. It was useful for both combat and training.

Unfortunately, Mokutsuki currently lacks the chakra.

After lunch, Mokutsuki walked into the office, where several teachers were giving Yutaka Ikeda advice for his upcoming blind date.

A tall, thin male teacher reminded him, “Make sure to clean up well before meeting her. Dress formally so you don’t come off as sloppy.”

“Come on, Sugi, give me some credit. Even though I haven’t dated before, that’s just common sense,” Ikeda replied confidently.

“I think you should focus on not bragging during the conversation,” Aya Ueda said, shaking her head as if foreseeing the outcome.

“Just wait, Ueda,” Ikeda said defiantly, unwilling to be underestimated.

“Sure, I’ll wait and see,” Ueda responded dismissively, turning her attention to Mokutsuki as he entered the room. “Teacher Hanyu, you’re amazing! I passed by your class today and it seemed like the atmosphere was great. Hard to believe it’s your first time teaching.”

Mokutsuki shook his head modestly, “Not at all, it’s thanks to your great advice and the students being well-behaved.”

Knowing it was a humble remark, Ueda still smiled, appreciating the compliment, and even shared some of her snacks with Mokutsuki.

Seeing this, Ikeda felt a pang of envy. He had been colleagues with Ueda for two years and barely got any of her snacks.

After mentally complaining, Ikeda quickly greeted Mokutsuki, vowing to remember Mokutsuki’s favour forever if his blind date went well.

Mokutsuki cheerfully responded to everyone, exchanged a few words, and then picked up his pre-prepared writing materials to practice calligraphy.

Practising calligraphy in his spare time was one of the few good habits he had developed, starting from a university calligraphy course.

The lunch break at the ninja academy needed to be longer, leaving no time for other training.

When it was almost time for class, Mokutsuki packed up and headed to the classroom.

Just as the bell rang, Mokutsuki walked into Class 2-B.

“Hey, isn’t this supposed to be Teacher Ikeda’s Konoha history class this afternoon?” a student asked, seeing someone other than Ikeda.

“Teacher Ikeda had something to do this afternoon, so I’ll be teaching,” Mokutsuki explained, stepping onto the podium.

Just as Mokutsuki finished speaking, a hurried figure dashed into the classroom.

“Sorry, Teacher. I was helping an elderly lady on the way here, so I’m late,” Obito Uchiha explained, hands on his knees, panting heavily.

“Take your seat and listen to the lesson,” Mokutsuki nodded, then scanned the students and appraised them all.

[Name: Rin Nohara]

[Chakra: 300]

[Potential: A-]

[Name: Might Guy]

[Chakra: 600]

[Potential: S]

[Evaluation: Suitable for Taijutsu training, recommended to take as a disciple]

[Name: Obito Uchiha]

[Chakra: 650]

[Potential: S]

[Evaluation: Six Paths bloodline, potential in space-time abilities, recommended to take as a disciple]

Class 2-B was similar to his Class 1-A. Besides these three familiar faces, only one student named Uchiha Tetsuo had an A rating; the rest mainly were C and D.

After checking their potential, Mokutsuki asked about their progress and started the lesson.

For students accustomed to teachers who merely read from books, Mokutsuki’s engaging teaching style was a pleasant surprise.

Obito even said, “Teacher Mokutsuki, your teaching is amazing. You’re way better than the other teachers. If you teach us from now on, I’ll definitely pass.”

“I’ll make sure to tell Teacher Ikeda that, along with the fact that you were late,” Mokutsuki said with a smile, adding some humour to his words.

Obito’s face instantly turned grim as he begged for mercy, knowing Ikeda was their homeroom teacher.

Obito’s antics added a cheerful atmosphere to the class.

During recess, Mokutsuki used Sensory Ninjutsu to ensure there were no issues, then called Might Guy and Obito outside.

(End of Chapter)

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Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Mokutsuki transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming an ordinary Chunin teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, as well as a member of the Root organization.

Fortunately, he awakened the Teacher System, allowing him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming Danzo's pawn, Mokutsuki diligently taught to enhance his own strength.

"Successfully completed an A-rated teaching session for the first time, received a reward—Mastery of Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation."

"Under your guidance, your disciple trained hard and significantly improved their overall strength, received a reward—Sage Body!"

From then on, the ninja world had a teacher who was solely focused on making his students stronger.

Shisui did not have his eyes taken by Danzo, and he successfully helped the Uchiha clan avoid the calamity of annihilation.

When Might Guy encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was no longer powerless as he watched Might Duy open the Eight Gates and fight desperately.

Obito overcame Uchiha Madara's scheme, did not succumb to madness, and remained the enthusiastic boy who wanted to become Hokage and help others.

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not work with dark mode