Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 8

Striking Gold

“The difficulty of this jutsu lies in instantly compressing a large amount of chakra into the shape of a dragon,” Mokutsuki explained to Shisui while demonstrating the Dragon Flame Jutsu.

Having recently gained proficiency in chakra shape transformation, Mokutsuki also shared many details about the technique with Shisui.

“I see, I think I understand a bit,” Shisui nodded, ready to give it a try.

Shisui’s hands flew through the hand signs, his chakra surging and compressing into shape.

“Fire Release: Dragon Flame Jutsu!”

Shisui spat out a one-meter-high fire dragon that soared into the sky, circled once, and then dove into the water.

Clap, clap.

Mokutsuki smiled and clapped for Shisui. You might need a few tries to succeed. I guess I underestimated your talent.”

Mokutsuki was genuinely surprised. Shisui had learned a B-rank jutsu without even using the Sharingan. This was the value of his double-S potential.

“It’s thanks to your excellent teaching, Teacher Mokutsuki,” Shisui humbly replied.

He admitted he learned faster than most, but he truly felt Mokutsuki was a great teacher who taught diligently.

Mokutsuki not only showed off by using one hand sign for the first demonstration but also performed the complete hand signs slowly while explaining.

“And I haven’t really mastered it yet. I can just use it,” Shisui said, thinking about the size and number of Mokutsuki’s fire dragons compared to his own.

“Then let me show you what a mastered Dragon Flame Jutsu looks like,” Mokutsuki smiled.

He was very satisfied with Shisui’s humility and diligence. Watching his chakra levels increase daily; he knew Shisui wasn’t slacking off.

Time flew by when they were focused. When Shisui realised how bright his fire jutsu looked, he noticed the sky had darkened.

He couldn’t help but wonder if Mokutsuki’s gentle voice was some kind of ninjutsu that made him lose track of time.

“Teacher, I should head home,” Shisui said, preparing to leave.

“I’ve also summarised my experience in chakra shape transformation. Take this and study it,” Mokutsuki said, handing Shisui a small booklet.

Shisui paused, then took the booklet and bowed in thanks.

He didn’t say many flattering words, but his respect for Mokutsuki grew even deeper.

He thought Mokutsuki was an excellent teacher, always giving him the most important lessons without holding back, despite knowing each other for only four days.

Watching Shisui leave, Mokutsuki smiled. His most valuable gold mine had struck gold again.

[You gifted your disciple a chakra shape transformation manual. Due to his deep gratitude, you received a bonus reward: Wind Release: Pressure Damage (Proficient)]

A flood of information about Wind Release: Pressure Damage filled Mokutsuki’s mind, including techniques and wind nature chakra transformation knowledge.

Mokutsuki was very pleased with this reward.

Wind Release: Pressure Damage was a top-tier wind jutsu with great range and destructive power. It could also synergise with his fire jutsus.

Additionally, the wind nature chakra transformation would help in developing the Rasengan with elemental transformations.

Originally, he planned to develop the fire nature Rasengan. With the wind now in play, he could focus on the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken first.

From his experiences over the past few days, Mokutsuki had figured out the mechanism of the “gift return.”

The reward depended on two factors: the quality of the gift and the disciple’s gratitude, with the latter being more significant.

On the second day, he gave Shisui a snack, and the system rewarded him with ten shurikens.

On the third day, he gave Shisui some homemade food, and the system rewarded him with fifty chakra points.

Both gifts were food, but the homemade food had more “heart,” and Shisui liked it more.

Having understood the mechanism, Mokutsuki started planning for a big gift. He decided to check Shisui’s profile at school to find out his birthday.

On the fifth day after crossing into the Naruto world.

Mokutsuki originally had only one class today, but a third-grade teacher had an emergency and needed a substitute. Mokutsuki eagerly volunteered.

From the two classes, he gained twenty chakra points from one and the Great Fireball Jutsu from the other.

This was the first time Mokutsuki received a jutsu he already knew. The pleasant surprise was that the system increased his proficiency with the repeated jutsu.

In game terms, his Great Fireball Jutsu had been “levelled up” or “upgraded.”

“Teacher Hanyu, you’re too agreeable. If you keep this up, more teachers will ask you to substitute,” Aya Ueda said, concerned.

Mokutsuki thought that sounded wonderful. He would love that.

“We’re all colleagues. It’s fine, and I really enjoy teaching,” Mokutsuki replied with a smile.

Ueda was at a loss for words because Mokutsuki genuinely seemed to mean it.

She felt it was surreal. Could such a good person really exist? Substituting didn’t earn extra pay, so it was essentially free labour.

Time quickly passed, and the weekend arrived.

The ninja academy’s schedule was similar to his previous life, with school from Monday to Friday and weekends off.

As promised, Mokutsuki brought Obito and Guy to the training spot by the river at 8 AM for their “special training.”

“Why do we have to get up so early on a day off?” Obito groaned, slumping over the desk Mokutsuki had set up.

“Is it early? I think it’s fine,” Guy said, scratching his head, unable to empathise.

Mokutsuki handed out the test papers he had prepared for them. Based on their current progress, he had tailored the tests to their level. After only five days of classes, they couldn’t tackle last year’s midterms yet.

Mokutsuki planned to focus on the easier questions, aiming for a passable score.

“Teacher Hanyu, what’s this…”

Not long after, Shisui arrived, ready to train, and saw Obito and Guy struggling with test papers, looking puzzled.

“They’re fourth-year students. I’m tutoring them. You can train over there. It won’t interfere,” Mokutsuki explained.

Shisui’s presence wasn’t a coincidence; Mokutsuki had called him over the previous night.

As for the purpose, Mokutsuki thought it would be interesting to see how the older students reacted to doing tedious test papers while the younger Shisui trained in ninjutsu.

(End of Chapter)

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Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Mokutsuki transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming an ordinary Chunin teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, as well as a member of the Root organization.

Fortunately, he awakened the Teacher System, allowing him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming Danzo's pawn, Mokutsuki diligently taught to enhance his own strength.

"Successfully completed an A-rated teaching session for the first time, received a reward—Mastery of Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation."

"Under your guidance, your disciple trained hard and significantly improved their overall strength, received a reward—Sage Body!"

From then on, the ninja world had a teacher who was solely focused on making his students stronger.

Shisui did not have his eyes taken by Danzo, and he successfully helped the Uchiha clan avoid the calamity of annihilation.

When Might Guy encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was no longer powerless as he watched Might Duy open the Eight Gates and fight desperately.

Obito overcame Uchiha Madara's scheme, did not succumb to madness, and remained the enthusiastic boy who wanted to become Hokage and help others.

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not work with dark mode