One Piece Admiral Silver Fox Chapter 12

Strategic Development, Stealthy Shots

After taking one last look at the sailors, Foxy left the cabin once more. The chaos outside was still deafening, the danger level indistinguishable from full-blown warfare.

Constantly on alert, Foxy observed the ongoing skirmishes. He loaded his musket, cocked it, and began taking stealthy shots from the shadows. Although his aim was initially off, he gradually grew more proficient.

With a single well-placed shot, a pirate fell. Foxy crouched, dragged a legless sailor to the cabin, and bandaged his wounds.

Foxy lingered around the cabin, occasionally taking stealthy shots to aid the sailors. Before he realised it, the number of severely injured sailors in the cabin had risen to over a dozen.

At first, the pirates didn’t notice him. However, being constantly in dangerous territory eventually caught up to him, and Foxy found himself targeted while assisting the sailors.

“Watch out!”

A sailor with a gash in his stomach suddenly pushed Foxy aside, taking the hit from a pirate’s weapon instead. The sound of the blade piercing flesh was horrifyingly clear.

As the sailor fell, Foxy’s face was splattered with blood. He saw the sailor clutching the long sword, blood bubbling from his mouth as he looked at Foxy.

With a reddened gaze, Foxy raised his musket and fired, killing the pirate. The sailor fell into a pool of blood, lifeless.

“Damn it.”

Foxy clenched his musket, his fingers turning white as he looked at the sailor who had saved his life.

At that moment, another pirate rushed at Foxy, a menacing grin on his face, and swung his long sword downwards.

Full of hatred, Foxy lifted his left hand, forming a delicate gesture with his fingers. As the sword descended, he quickly fired, hitting the pirate at point-blank range.

He swiftly drew a dagger from his waist and slashed the pirate’s throat. The pirate’s eyes widened in terror as he slowly collapsed, blood gushing from the wound.

Ignoring the fallen pirate, Foxy quickly reloaded his musket and moved away. As time passed, the pirate’s neck spurted blood, and he lost consciousness.

Roaming the battlefield, Foxy became increasingly ruthless, sparing no one who crossed his path because he believed all these pirates deserved to die.

While the battle on the ship was complicated, an even more intense fight was unfolding in the sky.

Cloaked in a shroud of heat haze, Tsuru hovered mid-air, her sharp gaze fixed on the beast before her.

The creature’s limbs were thick and taut, a light yellow tail swaying behind it. Its broad, muscular chest was fur-covered, exuding an aura of savage ferocity.

This was Garpama, the vicious lion, captain of the Fierce Lion Pirates. He possessed the Zoan-type Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Lion. With a bounty of 230 million, he was infamous on the Grand Line for his brutality.

Skilled in Armament Haki and Observation Haki, his strength was formidable.

While other pirate crews would avoid Tsuru, Garpama did not.

Thus, their current battle ensued.

“You live up to your reputation as the Navy’s strategist. I’m curious if you’ll act like other women when you’re under me.

Garpama’s crimson tongue licked his lips as he grinned menacingly. He stepped on air, clearly knowing the Navy’s Moonwalk technique.

“You’re courting death.”

Tsuru’s anger flared at Garpama’s insulting words.

She disappeared, causing the atmosphere to tremble. Tsuru reappeared before Garpama, her right hand raised, index and middle fingers together, glowing with a black-and-white hue.

Her Armament Haki was above the intermediate level, manifesting in different colours based on the user’s proficiency.

In his hybrid beast form, Garpama did not underestimate Tsuru. His right claw, also clad in Armament Haki, clashed with her attack.

A powerful shockwave radiated, pushing the sea below down by a meter before rebounding, creating a towering splash.

Both simultaneously kicked out, their immense strength forcing them apart.

Steam billowed, Tsuru’s face icy as she glared at Garpama. She used Shave to vanish again while Garpama disappeared into the air.

They reappeared ten meters apart the next second, their fists colliding before vanishing again.

“Tempest Kick!”

A light arc slashed through the air, splitting the turbulent sea. Garpama roared in pain as a wound appeared on his chest, but it quickly healed.

On the battleship below, Foxy looked up at the sky where the fierce battle raged, his eyes full of awe.

The fight was beyond human, like something out of a superhero story, filling Foxy with longing and excitement.

The fierce winds from the battle rocked the ship violently. Foxy clung to a solid object, nearly thrown off by the force.

The shockwaves from their fight were so powerful that the surrounding sea was affected.

Foxy feared the battleship might sink.

He could tell that the pirate fighting Tsuru was likely a Zoan-type. The battle’s speed was so fast that Foxy had trouble keeping up.

Moreover, there were still skirmishes below, so Foxy couldn’t afford to watch too long. He quickly returned his attention to the ongoing fights on the ship.

Besides the intense battle between Tsuru and Garpama, there were fierce fights on the pirate ship and the battleship. Uska, Natalie, and Yafiel were all in tough battles with other powerful pirates from the Fierce Lion Pirates.

Although not as extreme as Tsuru and Garpama’s fight, these battles were intense and powerful, at least to Foxy. It was like watching gods clash.

Just as the saying goes, “speak of the devil and he shall appear,” a figure crashed through the deck like a cannonball, skidding to a halt in front of Foxy, coughing up blood.

It was Yafiel.

A rough-looking man wielding a giant axe landed heavily. Standing over 4 meters tall, he was like a wall. The man was intimidating compared to Foxy, who barely reached his thighs.

With a ferocious expression, the axe-wielding pirate charged at Yafiel, his weapon gleaming with deadly intent.

In the nick of time, Yafiel used Shave to dodge, leaving the cabin behind him shattered like tofu.

Gripping his long sword tightly, Yafiel launched a slash, only to have the pirate’s axe shattered it.

Leaping high, the pirate came down with the force of a mountain, his hands gripping the giant axe as he descended with alarming speed and power.

Yafiel remained calm, responding with composed maneuvers. While not as strong, his speed gave him an edge.

Foxy, hiding nearby, watched the fight intently, his musket ready to fire at any moment.

However, the battle needed to be faster and more intense. Foxy’s mediocre marksmanship and impaired vision made his chances of hitting the target slim.

More importantly, Foxy feared accidentally hitting Yafiel, so he hesitated to pull the trigger.

Moreover, the pirate’s Armament Haki added to Foxy’s uncertainty.


Sparks flew as the giant axe, and the long sword clashed. Yafiel’s feet were driven into the ground, a trickle of blood at his mouth, while the pirate’s eyes bulged, his hands straining as he pressed down on the handle.

“Ha ha… This time, you’re not escaping.”

Confident of his victory, the pirate grinned savagely.

Yafiel’s hands trembled as he struggled to hold his ground, his sword enveloped in Armament Haki.


At that moment, a bullet whizzed through the air, aimed at the pirate’s forehead.

Sensing the danger, the pirate’s Armament Haki covered his forehead, turning it pitch black. The bullet hit with a clang and fell to the ground, not even sparking.

However, the distraction gave Yafiel a chance. He kicked out, gaining distance.

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One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020

Parted hair, red nose, inverted eyebrows, and triangular eyes—my appearance is like a fox with hair standing up, wearing a purple fur coat, looking as sleek as a human but with the demeanor of a scoundrel.

That's right, I am the infamous user of the Noro Noro no Mi, the flashy and sleazy Silver Fox Foxy.

A man who uses the powerful Devil Fruit ability to slow things down for comedic purposes.

In a world where the strong eat the weak, slowing down is king.

“Damn it, I need plastic surgery.”

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