One Piece Admiral Silver Fox Chapter 41

Harder Than Expected

Time flies as the clouds drift in the sky.

On the edge of the Calm Belt, an island more significant than a small island but not yet medium-sized was shrouded in dark clouds, with thunder and lightning raging. Outside the island, however, the weather was calm and sunny.

A massive lion, over eight meters long with a wild mane, roared ferociously. It bared its fangs and claws, digging into the ground as it stared down at a figure that seemed no more significant than an ant it.

With his messy black hair hanging down to his waist and his upper body covered in scratches, Foxy wore nothing but torn shorts and was barefoot. His lean, muscular body showed the wear of constant battle. He tossed aside a short sword with several notches in it, clenched his fists, and faced the giant lion with sharp, focused eyes.

Foxy looked like a wild man now, with his left eye still closed and three claw marks on his right cheek, adding a touch of fierceness to his face. Apart from his long, red nose, Foxy’s appearance had shifted from a mischievous look to a rugged determination, making him look like a formidable opponent.

Foxy had faced numerous life-threatening situations during a month of wilderness survival, the worst of which was a severe cold. This island’s weather was either clear skies with sudden lightning or torrential rain, sometimes cold winters and other times scorching summers.

During lightning storms, the entire island was engulfed in electricity. If luck wasn’t on your side, stepping outside could mean getting struck by lightning. Foxy had experienced this three times, the first being when he landed on the island.

Torrential rain meant raindrops the size of soccer balls fell from the sky, akin to meteor showers. One drop could knock a person down. Winter brought snow and hail, with temperatures plummeting several degrees below zero. In contrast, summer temperatures could soar to fifty or sixty degrees Celsius, turning anyone caught outside into dried fish.

While the strange weather posed the most significant threat, the wildlife was less of a problem. After a month, Foxy had adapted somewhat.

The giant lion roared, creating a whirlwind of sand and dust. It charged at Foxy with overwhelming force, but Foxy stood his ground.

As the lion lunged, Foxy met its claws with his hands, digging his feet into the ground. They locked eyes, each roaring in defiance.

“Today’s lunch will be you,” Foxy declared.

He deftly sidestepped, pushing the lion aside and landing a powerful kick to its belly. The lion tumbled across the ground with a pained roar.

Though the lion got back up, it was wary now. Foxy charged again, and the lion responded with another attack. Its claws barely missed as Foxy dodged, but the lion’s jaws came snapping at him.

Foxy countered with a punch to the lion’s jaw, sending teeth flying and making it stagger back. Foxy leaped high and brought his foot down hard on the lion’s head. The ground shook as the lion collapsed, bleeding from its mouth.

Despite the lion’s resilience, it struggled back to its feet and charged again. Foxy didn’t use his abilities or his nearly broken short sword; he aimed to strengthen himself through combat. The three claw marks on his face were proof of his resolve.

Though the lion was mighty, Foxy was nimble, dodging and striking with precision. The battle lasted several minutes until the lion collapsed with a final, pained roar.

Grabbing the lion’s tail, Foxy effortlessly dragged it across the ground, picked up his short sword, and headed back to his base.

Foxy’s base was a cave by a freshwater river, which he had taken over after killing a wild boar. He was familiar with the area, moving with ease.

He skinned and butchered the lion by the river, then started a fire to cook the meat. The aroma of roasting meat spread through the forest, attracting various predators. However, no one dared approach, wary of Foxy.

Over the past month, Foxy had established himself as a dominant force within a five-kilometer radius.

After his meal, Foxy didn’t rest. He still had much training to do.

“Let’s start with 2,000 push-ups to warm up,” Foxy said.

He stretched and began his workout. His push-ups were swift and decisive, showcasing his well-defined, strong arms. Though not overly muscular, his physique had a refined, aesthetic quality.

After finishing his push-ups, Foxy approached a massive boulder weighing about a ton. He lifted it with his shoulders and hands, performing frog jumps. Each jump left deep impressions on the ground, showing his immense strength.

Despite being drenched in sweat and exhausted, Foxy continued for two hours, pushing himself to the limit. Next, he trained his arm strength with two five-meter logs, each weighing about half a ton.

With his short sword, he had crafted these logs over half a day, making holes just large enough for his arms. Gritting his teeth, Foxy lifted the logs and began various exercises. His face contorted with effort, and his veins bulged as he persisted.

One arm bore the weight of half a ton as he performed slow, deliberate movements. Though soon exhausted and sweating profusely, he kept going for an hour, a regimen he had maintained for half a month.

After these exercises, Foxy rested for half an hour to recover his strength. Then, it was time to train the Soru (Shave) technique, which demanded intense focus and effort.

In the past month, Foxy had made progress, managing to step eight times within 0.36 seconds. However, he had reached a plateau recently, unable to break past eight steps.

Soru was more complicated than he had anticipated. He often kicked until his legs cramped or went numb. But Foxy was determined to master it, no matter the difficulty.


His right foot stomped, creating a whistling sound and stirring up dust. Foxy counted each step.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…”

In an instant, Foxy managed eight and a half steps, finding he had a bit more strength left. With a few more attempts, he grinned, seeing progress.

He repeated the process with his left foot. Though not as smooth as his right, he managed eight steps, even though it required more effort.

“Today, I’ll reach nine steps,” Foxy vowed, his face set in determination.

He continued his relentless training, pushing himself to new limits.

Time flew by, and clouds drifted across the horizon. On the edge of the Calm Belt, an island, more significant than a small one but not quite reaching a medium size, was currently shrouded in a dark cloud, with thunder and lightning flashing.

Outside the island, however, the sky was clear and peaceful.


Closer to the center, on open ground, an eight-meter-long maned lion, fierce and majestic, with its blood-red mouth wide open, lowered its body, its sharp claws deeply embedded in the ground, its fierce gaze locked onto its prey, which was as small as an ant.

With messy black hair hanging down to his waist, his upper body covered in scratches, wearing only tattered shorts and barefoot, Foxy, with his lean and powerful muscles covering his body, had thrown his short sword aside, clenching his fists with a sharp gaze, staring at the gigantic lion.

Now, Foxy looked like a wild man. His left eye was still tightly closed, but three deep scratches were on his right cheek, giving his originally scruffy face a somewhat ferocious look. Apart from his red nose, Foxy’s face was gradually losing its scruffiness, revealing a look of brutality, making him appear challenging and dangerous at first glance.

In just one month of wilderness survival, Foxy had faced dozens of life-threatening dangers, with the most dangerous being a severe cold. The island’s weather was unpredictable—thunder and lightning, torrential rain, freezing winters, and scorching summers.

During thunderstorms, the entire island was enveloped in lightning, and unlucky creatures could be struck dead just by going out to pee. Foxy had encountered this three times, the first time being struck by lightning as soon as he landed on the island.

When it rained heavily, the raindrops were as big as footballs, falling from a height like meteors, making them as deadly as falling rocks. In winter, it snowed or hailed, with temperatures plunging well below freezing. Conversely, summer was sweltering, with temperatures soaring to around 50-60 degrees Celsius, making it easy to dry out like fish jerky.

Throughout the month, Foxy’s greatest enemy was the bizarre weather, while the dangers posed by wild beasts were not as significant. However, after a month of adaptation, Foxy had barely managed to cope.


The lion roared, a whirlwind kicking up sand and dust, its momentum terrifying.

Charging, the lion’s momentum was overwhelming, but Foxy did not retreat; he advanced. With a tremendous thud, Foxy’s hands pushed against the lion’s claws, his feet nearly sinking into the ground.

A man and a lion-faced each other, each roaring.

“Your lunch today is you.”

With a swift side move, Foxy pushed the lion aside and kicked it in the belly with his right foot, sending the lion’s eight-meter-long body sliding sideways with a mournful roar.

Rising to its feet, the lion’s eyes showed fear.

Charging forward again, Foxy attacked once more while the lion, with a roar, lunged at Foxy. The claws gleamed, narrowly missing Foxy as he sidestepped. At that moment, the lion opened its blood-red mouth to swallow Foxy.

Clenching his fist, Foxy struck the lion’s jaw, causing it to whimper and spit out blood, staggering backward. Leaping high, Foxy’s right foot slammed down on the lion’s forehead. The ground trembled as the lion shivered, lying on the ground, mouth foaming with blood.

On this island, creatures had incredibly tenacious life forces. The lion, though defeated, got up and charged at Foxy again. Foxy did not use his powers, nor did he use his nearly broken short sword. His only goal was to train himself.

With each exchange, though the lion was large, Foxy moved like a monkey, dodging and striking with ease. A month ago, he might have needed to use his abilities, but now…

After a few minutes of combat, the lion, with its final roar of unwillingness, fell to the ground. Foxy, dragging the lion’s tail with one hand, quickly hauled it to the riverbank, then began skinning and butchering it with his short sword, setting a fire to roast it.

As the fat dripped onto the flames, a fragrant smell spread through the jungle, making many carnivores salivate, yet none dared to approach the camp, all watching Foxy warily. Clearly, in the past month, Foxy had become the dominant force here, with his territory spanning five kilometers.

After finishing lunch, Foxy didn’t rest, for he had much training to do.

“Let’s start with 2,000 push-ups to warm up.”

Shaking his hands and kicking his legs, Foxy started doing push-ups in front of the cave. His speed was impressive, and upon closer inspection, Foxy’s arms were solid and robust, with well-defined muscles. They were not overly bulky but aesthetically pleasing.

After completing the push-ups, Foxy moved to a large rock, weighing at least two thousand pounds, which he had fashioned with his short sword over half a day. He positioned himself under the rock and began performing frog jumps, each jump leaving a mark on the ground, creating deep impressions with each leap.

Sweating profusely, Foxy panted heavily, spending two hours training with the heavy frog jumps, followed by arm strength training.

Foxy had fashioned two giant logs, each five meters long and weighing around a thousand pounds, with his short sword, creating openings just big enough for his arms.

Gritting his teeth, Foxy inserted his arms into the logs and began lifting them, performing various movements with determination. Veins bulged on his neck, his face fierce as he persisted.

Each arm bearing a thousand pounds, Foxy moved through various exercises, but within minutes, he was exhausted, sweat pouring down his face. Despite this, he continued for an hour.

This was his half-month’s effort.

After completing these, Foxy took a half-hour break to recover his strength, as he needed to spend a lot of time and mental energy practicing the Six Powers.

Over the past month, Foxy has been diligent. In 0.36 seconds, he can kick eight times, his limit. However, recently, he has been unable to break this record, so he needs to spend a lot of time practicing.

The Six Powers were more complex than Foxy had imagined. He trained so hard that his legs cramped and became numb, but Foxy did not give up. No matter how difficult it was, he had to master them, not just the Six Powers, but all the other techniques he needed to learn.

“Boom boom…”

His right foot stomped with a whooshing sound, creating a gust of wind that lifted the dust on the ground.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…”

In an instant, Foxy kicked eight times, and this time, he felt there was still room for improvement, reaching eight and a half kicks.

After several attempts, Foxy’s lips curled up in a smile.

The effort and sweat he had poured into this were worth it!

After finishing with the right foot, Foxy switched to the left foot. Compared to his right, his left foot wasn’t as smooth, so he could only manage eight kicks. Foxy had spent more sweat on his left foot than on his right.

“Today, I’ll reach nine kicks.”

With a determined face, Foxy began to practice tirelessly, over and over again.

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One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

One Piece Admiral Silver Fox

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020

Parted hair, red nose, inverted eyebrows, and triangular eyes—my appearance is like a fox with hair standing up, wearing a purple fur coat, looking as sleek as a human but with the demeanor of a scoundrel.

That's right, I am the infamous user of the Noro Noro no Mi, the flashy and sleazy Silver Fox Foxy.

A man who uses the powerful Devil Fruit ability to slow things down for comedic purposes.

In a world where the strong eat the weak, slowing down is king.

“Damn it, I need plastic surgery.”

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