One Piece: My Partner is too Crooked Chapter 27

Beat up The Bandit Higuma

On the rugged beach, Icey, who was bare-handed, and Higuma, who was holding a long knife, stood looking at each other.

During more than a year of living in Windmill Village, Icey learned basic fighting and swordsmanship skills.

When he and Aqua practised in the mountains and forests, they faced even more ferocious and violent beasts, and their oppressive power began to develop.

Therefore, the aura he exudes when he is serious is no longer as gentle and elegant as a restaurant owner but is full of a strong sense of oppression.

In contrast, Higuma, who had cold sweat on his forehead, looked much more nervous.

Although he couldn’t accept that Icey, who was weak in his impression, had the combat power to fight against him, the feeling of slashing at the opponent just now was extremely real.

At least one thing is certain: Icey’s physical strength is exaggerated, as hard as a rock!

“Brother Higuma, didn’t you say you wanted to chop off my head?”

“If you don’t come over, then I won’t be polite.”

Icey looked away from the panting Aqua. To be safe, he wanted Aqua to put several layers of buffs on him.

But the generation of the astonishingly powerful holy water just now seemed to consume much of her strength.

To avoid the troublesome situation of Aqua being completely paralyzed, he gave up the idea of ​​reinforcements.

Just think of it as…

Use Higuma to hone your armed domineering power!


A slight sound came from between Icey’s arms, which could be vaguely seen covered with a light black and grey colour.

His Armed Haki is currently at the lowest level of instability and cannot yet provide all-around coverage comparable to invisible armour.

But even so, combined with the strengthened defence of the body, it is more than enough to resist the blade slashes of a non-domineering person like Higuma!

“He’s just a piece of trash that I can crush to death casually. Stop being so self-righteous!”

Higuma’s face was extremely ugly, and he roared angrily. After taking off the brown windbreaker on his body, his legs suddenly exerted force, bursting out with heavy strength.

The cold blade made a straight cut on the beach. He quickly rushed to Icey and jumped up high. He held the knife in both hands and slashed it towards Icey’s head from top to bottom.

On guard for a long time, Icey dodged and faced the tip of the blade at an extreme distance to avoid it.

Higuma also had rich combat experience. The first time Icey made a move, he rotated the knife handle and changed it from a chop to a sweeping slash towards Icey’s right shoulder.

Icey turned his eyes, raised his right arm, covered with armed oppressive force, and held it before him.


There was a crisp collision of steel, and the sharp blade was embedded in the skin, causing minimal damage.

“Hahaha! I was fooled twice by the same method. Sure enough, a layman is a layman!”

Higuma was not surprised by this at all. He did not use all his strength with this sword.

Almost at the same time that the blade was blocked, his clenched fist had already charged up and hit Icey’s throat mercilessly.

The throat is one of the most fragile parts of human beings. Even if the arms and chest are extremely strong and can withstand heavy punches and slashes, it would be a different matter if the throat could be broken at a touch!

It has to be said that Higuma was able to get a bounty of 8 million or close to 10 million, which is something (although not much), and he is insidious enough.

If it were Icey, who had just completed the summoning and strengthened his body, he might have suffered a lot from this blow.

Unfortunately, he is now an enhanced version of himself and has undergone special training!

Just when the stern smile appeared at the corner of Higuma’s mouth, he thought he had succeeded.

Suddenly, as if he saw some horrifying scene, his pupils widened.

Icey, who raised his hands to block, only turned his head slightly and easily dodged the powerful and heavy fist!

His fist rubbed the flying black hair and hit the air. For a moment, Higuma saw a flash of red light in Icey’s calm eyes.

Having never been to sea, he naturally didn’t know that he could predict the enemy’s movements through the enemy’s aura…

Seeing and hearing is domineering!

At this time, Higuma was in shock and was full of flaws. Icey would not let go of such a good opportunity, and there was no nonsense.

After forcefully shaking away the long knife that was slashed on his right arm, he clenched his fists and struck Higuma’s abdomen, chest, and face with a series of crazy and rhythmless blows!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Continuous rapid blows fell on Higuma like a violent storm.

Having lost the opportunity, he had no chance to resist, so he could only stand there like a sandbag and be beaten.

The long-lost, intense pain caused Higuma to let out bursts of dull roars, and the bloodshot eyes overflowing from the corners of his mouth continued to expand.

At the last stage of the continuous fight, Icey stamped hard on the ground with one foot, jumped up, and added a handsome flying kick to Higumaer’s blood-stained chest, directly kicked him away, and fell heavily to a piece of beach exposed. On the rocks!


Higuma was hit on the waist and spat out a mouthful of blood. His hair was messy, and he looked embarrassed.

After barely standing up, he leaned on the rocks and gasped for air.

“Without Aqua’s attribute enhancement, it is still difficult to deal fatal damage simply by relying on my own physical strength…”

Icey looked at Higuma, who still had some strength left, and couldn’t help but Higumah secretly in his heart.

His current shortcomings are still too obvious.

The physical defence is very strong, but the speed and strength are too ordinary, just higher than the level of ordinary villagers.

If placed in a team competition game, it would be a tank responsible for absorbing damage and unsuitable for output.

This is his summary judgment of this battle, but in the eyes of others, it is a different picture.

“Wow! Okay, so awesome!”

“Icey, you are not a pirate, are you? You are really awesome!”

Luffy’s eyes gleamed as he pulled his head out of the sand, impressed by Icey’s quick and intensive blows, like a violent storm.

To him, Higuma was a terrifying existence that was difficult to defeat, and now, such an existence was crushed by Icey!

That kind of beating is like a storm; I will also learn from now on!

The little boy has never been able to resist the strong. After this battle, Icey’s image in Luffy’s mind suddenly improved from a restaurant owner who cooked delicious food to a powerful pirate!

​As to why he is a pirate…

We don’t know, either.

“As expected of the leader of the Axis Cult in this world, I barely let this goddess down.”

On the other side, Aqua also nodded with satisfaction, affirming Icey’s performance.

When Icey heard these two wise men making their own opinions, he labelled himself a “pirate” and a “believer”. Icey couldn’t help but feel a black eye. He almost couldn’t help but run over and reward each of them with a big competition bag.

He was the one who beat the co-author, but you all pretended to be the co-author!

While Aqua and Luffy were talking to themselves, in a corner that no one present noticed, there was a wall of a house facing the sea.

The swordsman wearing a black cloak stood calmly, watching the beach battlefield calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The straw hat blocked the harsh sunlight but could not cover the other side…

The red hair flew wildly in the sea breeze!

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One Piece My Partner is Too Crooked

One Piece My Partner is Too Crooked

One Piece My Partner is Too Retarded
Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

Crossing into the world of One Piece with the ability to wish for companions from other worlds is truly thrilling!

When Icey braved the risks to borrow money from the mountain bandit king, accumulating enough conditions to make a wish, he summoned Aqua, a goddess of water filled with an aura of wisdom.

He thought that beating the Four Emperors or kicking the feet of an Admiral was best left to the imagination.

That was until the likes of Meowth from Team Rocket and the ridiculous hero King from One Punch Man successively appeared, making Icey dare not even think about it.

All he hoped for was to survive this era of rising heroes with this group of troublesome companions...

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