Nieki Hyuga transmigrated into the Naruto world, becoming the older brother of Neji Hyuga. On the day his father, Hizashi Hyuga, was forced to commit suicide, Nieki suddenly discovered that his Byakugan had undergone some kind of change—he could absorb the Byakugan of deceased clan members to evolve his own eyes… Thus, a night of extermination against the Hyuga clan began to brew.
“Why did you betray the village, betray our clan?” Neji asked with resentment when they met again, accompanied by Hinata, the last remaining bloodline of the Hyuga main family.
“My foolish brother, perhaps you should ask yourself why you still want to stay in a village that treats you so unjustly.”
“You’re not the Nieki I knew…”
“Admiration is the emotion most distant from understanding. It’s unfortunate, but the Hyuga Nieki you knew never existed from the start.”
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