Whitebeard in Naruto World Chapter 20

Naruto Steps Out of Insecurity and Gradually Gains Confidence

Itachi was quite happy today because he successfully took a day off from the Third Hokage to spend time with Sasuke.

He could also teach Sasuke shuriken and kunai throwing techniques.

To satisfy his little brother’s curiosity.

Itachi had always been very doting towards his younger brother.

But at this moment.

He suddenly sensed something unusual.

Immediately looking up.

He saw a person on a nearby large tree knocking on the trunk, seemingly to get his attention.


This person had spiky white hair, wore a black mask, and had a ninja forehead protector covering one eye.

Such distinctive features.

Were unmistakable.

Itachi hadn’t expected to encounter Kakashi-senpai here. Wasn’t he supposed to be monitoring the Jinchuriki?


Could it be?

Itachi’s reaction was a step too slow, as Sasuke, full of enthusiasm, ran ahead, turning back to shout: “Brother! There’s a river up ahead! Let’s camp here, and you can teach me throwing techniques… Ouch!”

Sasuke, not looking where he was going, bumped into an unknown object, clutching his head in pain as he squatted down.

“Sasuke! Come back!” Itachi’s face changed dramatically.

“Damn it! It hurts so much!” Sasuke didn’t seem to hear.

He grabbed onto something nearby to help him stand, but he suddenly realized he was holding onto some fabric.

Sasuke froze on the spot.

He looked up at the object he had bumped into and realized it wasn’t a tree but more like a person’s leg. He saw a huge shoe in front of him.

A shoe?

A foot?
Five-year-old Sasuke swallowed hard, his movements stiff as he looked up. He saw the massive figure of a “giant” who was also looking down at him.

Little Sasuke was stunned!

“Gi-gi-gi-giant…” Sasuke had been staying within the Uchiha compound recently, not going out at all.

He hadn’t heard any of the rumors outside.

He had no idea about the presence of Whitebeard in Konoha.

Looking up at Whitebeard with mixed emotions.




“Gu la la la!” Whitebeard’s gaze shifted from Sasuke to Itachi, who was standing on guard not far away. His broad smile was clear: “You sound familiar, kid. Were you the masked brat from last night?”

“…Yes.” Itachi knew he couldn’t fool Whitebeard, especially since Kakashi had called him by name last night.

Under these circumstances, there was no need to hide.

“Your brother?” Whitebeard naturally pointed to Sasuke.

“…Yes.” What else could Itachi say?
He could only answer with two “yeses.”

“Gu la la la! It looks like he’s about the same age as my son!” Whitebeard slowly squatted down and asked the terrified Sasuke: “Black-haired kid, your name is Sasuke. What’s your full name?”

“Uchi… Sasuke!”

Sasuke replied, trembling.

It was a fear he couldn’t control. Even though Whitebeard’s aura was restrained, the natural-born kingly presence was something a young child couldn’t withstand.

Even Naruto had a similar reaction when he first met Whitebeard.

“Uchiha?” The familiar surname made Whitebeard raise an eyebrow: “Isn’t that the Konoha Police Force?”

“Gu la la la! Foolish son! Come here!!”

Whitebeard called to Naruto: “Your old man found you a new friend! A Uchiha kid who looks like a girl!”


Naruto, who had just finished his fiftieth push-up, lay on the ground, panting like a tired fox.

But upon hearing Whitebeard’s words.

His ears perked up.

He forced himself up.

“A new friend?” The disheveled Naruto looked at Sasuke and exclaimed: “He really does look a bit like a girl!”

This father-son duo calling him a “girl.”

Made Sasuke’s eyes widen. He ignored his fear of the “giant,” his face flushing red as he defended himself: “I’m not a girl! I’m Uchiha! I’m a boy!”

“Blushing makes you look even more like a girl!” Naruto was greatly surprised.

“Ah!!!” Sasuke couldn’t take it.

He quickly turned to Itachi: “Brother, I don’t look like a girl, right?!”

“Mm, you don’t.” Itachi naturally sided with his brother.

Even though he thought Sasuke did look like a girl right now.


“My name is Uzumaki Naruto!” Naruto, enduring the pain in his muscles, walked up to Sasuke and grinned brightly without any of his usual gloominess.

“From now on, we’re friends! Nice to meet you!” Naruto extended a dirty hand.

Sasuke’s eyes widened further.

Hey, hey, hey!
I haven’t agreed yet!
“Gu la la la! Uchiha kid, your girly-looking brother… doesn’t seem too willing to be friends with Naruto, does he?” Whitebeard squinted at Itachi, making Itachi tense up.

Sasuke was too close to Whitebeard, and Itachi wasn’t confident he could get Sasuke away without injury.

Itachi forced a smile: “Sasuke, making more friends is good…”

He knew Naruto was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

He knew what it meant for the Uchiha clan to be in contact with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

But he had no choice.


Sasuke always listened to Itachi.

He glanced at Naruto’s dirty hand, furrowing his brows, and cautiously shook hands with him. He tried to pull back immediately but found his hand tightly gripped by Naruto.

“Haha! You’re my third friend!”

Naruto’s smile grew even brighter.

So painful!!!

Sasuke wanted to cry out, not expecting a peer to have such a strong grip.

But his pride.

Made him hold back.

“Gu la la la! Foolish son! You met your new friend, now get back to training! You’ve only done fifty of the two hundred push-ups I assigned you!”

Whitebeard’s voice made Naruto’s smile freeze.

He quickly released Sasuke’s hand, shouting: “Got it, old man! I’ll start right away!!”

In Sasuke’s astonished expression.

He watched Naruto run off, drop to the ground, and start doing push-ups.

Soon, Naruto was sweating profusely.


“What’s he doing…” Sasuke couldn’t understand.

“This is hokage training!” Naruto explained between breaths: “It’s the training my old man set for me to become a hokage. Once I complete it, I’ll be one step closer to becoming a hokage. I, Uzumaki Naruto, will become a hokage!”

“Sasuke, just watch! You’ll have a friend who’s a Hokage one day!” Naruto said confidently: “That person will be me, Uzumaki Naruto!”

“Hokage?” Sasuke blinked.

“That’s right! When I become Hokage, I’ll make you, Shikamaru, and Choji my advisors!” Naruto raised a thumb.

But he couldn’t support his weight with one hand.

Falling flat.

Nose to the ground.

Nosebleed flowing.

Sasuke understood the last part. This weird guy named Naruto wanted to make him a subordinate in the future.

“I’ll be the one to become Hokage!”

Sasuke instantly felt competitive.

He didn’t actually want to be Hokage, but he just had to retort. He didn’t even know why.

It just felt annoying.


It might be destiny.

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Whitebeard in Naruto World

Whitebeard in Naruto World

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2023

After the end of the Summit War, Edward Newgate, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the strongest man in the world, thought he was about to meet his end at Marineford.

Until he opened his eyes and found himself in a place called the "Shinobi World," encountering a child named "Naruto."

"Gurararara! Boy, do you have parents?"

Looking up at the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto shivered, "N-no, I don't. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I... I'm an orphan."

"Naruto, be my son!"


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