Daily Life in One Piece Chapter 9

The Training Diary of Caveman Arufa Mosen

After devouring an entire beast, Mosen finally regained his energy. Now, it was time to get to work.

First, he needed to clear out a place sufficient for sleeping at night and sheltered from the wind and rain. After all, who knows how many days he would be stuck on the island?

Previously, he had seen in the anime how Sanji lived with a legless Zeff on a deserted island for over 80 days, feeling that the protagonist’s life was truly omnipotent.

When it came to himself, he didn’t want to risk his body trying out that possibility.

A place that at least guaranteed rest was necessary. Moreover, he had only explored the island’s periphery; who knows if any powerful beasts were inside.

Clearing these things on an uninhabited island with tall trees and low shrubs intertwined would have taken the old Mosen a lot of effort.

But now, after eating the Smooth-Smooth Fruit, Mosen only had one word for dealing with these things: charge!

Indeed, now he’s that headstrong. Please call me Iron-Head Mosen!

Wait a second!

Standing at the mouth of the creek flowing into the sea, Mosen stripped himself naked. What’s this move?

Shock!! A stunning young man is stark naked on a deserted island. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Welcome to… sorry, wrong script.

A pair of seabirds perched on a tree in the distance chirped twice, covering their eyes with their wings, refusing to witness this scandalous scene.

It seemed to say, look, a shameless guy is standing there naked.

Mosen quickly washed himself, put on boxer shorts, and cut his uneven navy pants into shorts of equal length.

His shirt had long turned into useless rags, so Mosen went bare-chested.

At 1.8 meters tall and 80 kilograms, Mosen had the perfect physique: muscular without clothes and slim in them. His eight-pack abs and smooth muscle lines, with a V-shaped upper body, could be called the epitome of a strong back and narrow waist.

His messy black hair fell casually over his forehead, paired with a handsome face and a steely demeanour. If this look appeared in a fashion magazine on Earth, it would make countless fangirls swoon and possibly turn many men gay.

The only thing left intact was Mosen’s Justice Cloak, which he considered his ultimate fashion statement, even if it was the most minor grade for a lieutenant.

His boots had long fallen off during the storm, so now, barefoot, he walked on the creek’s pebbles, which felt slightly slippery.

It felt like wearing ice skates on his feet.

Alvida only managed to slide off a skateboard in the anime, which always seemed off. It felt somewhat redundant. The Smooth-Smooth Fruit allows one to slip away from all attacks, so why bother with a skateboard?


If the ground under his feet is considered an attack, he could slide on it.

However, the anime had many bugs, and its things could only be referenced. This was a real world, and thinking like the anime would get him killed quickly.

After travelling about 1000 meters, the creek began to wind upward, and the westward sun cast dappled light, some sneaking past the trees to fall on the forest floor, making the scenery breathtakingly beautiful.

With its undeveloped islands, the pirate world had seas and beaches far surpassing those of the Maldives.

Unfortunately, others had long become accustomed to it. Only Mosen could appreciate it. He felt the scenery alone over the past two years was worth the trip.

Luckily, the island’s soil layer was thin. Although the trees grew tall, they were unlike the tropical rainforests, where the ground was covered with rotting leaves.

It was rather refreshing!

This improved Mosen’s somewhat gloomy mood,

He even started humming a tune.

“…Let the music replace words, silence speaks louder than words, hey, hey, I don’t know the rest!”

A good mood naturally brings vigour, and with faster steps, Mosen reached the mountaintop in ten minutes.

There were no tall trees on the mountaintop, which was expected. With just this one peak, the sea wind dared to shave it down.

Reaching the top, the view suddenly opened up. Around him was a shimmering sea, the sky blue as if washed clean, and the horizon where the sea and sky met.

In an instant,

A wave of inexplicable emotion surged in Mosen’s heart, and he almost wanted to recite a poem: “Oh, the sea… Oh, the sky…”


“Forget it, forget it, business first.”

Reciting poetry it must be a hallucination.

Although the hill was about a hundred meters high, there was no cliff, and he couldn’t find a cave after a lap.

But this didn’t stump Mosen. He found a wind-sheltered, gentle place, punched a few times, and many stones shattered, forming a big pit.

The loud noise scared off many birds, who cursed the inconsiderate fellow as they flew away. Various beasts also moved away from the mountaintop, many secretly watching the never-before-seen creature, unaware of the looming disaster.

Mosen made a cave just big enough for one person in a few moves. He gathered some soft leaves to lay on the ground and moved a big stone to the entrance to block it at night.

It is done and dusted.

After what wasn’t even a warm-up, Mosen climbed to the mountaintop, cleared a small platform, and started his rigorous training.


Sea Calendar Year 1508, some month, some day, whatever weekday, clear.

This is the second day after obtaining the Smooth-Smooth Fruit. There has been no development of the fruit’s ability yet, so we are focusing on physical and supplementary sword training.

After the battle with Garush, my martial arts are still far from enough. Unfortunately, no one at the East Blue base knows the Six Powers or Haki. I can only learn it at the Navy Headquarters. I’m curious if my merits are enough.

Sea Calendar Year 1508, some month, some day, still don’t know the weekday, rain turning to clear.

On the fifth day after obtaining the Smooth-Smooth Fruit, we still train in swordsmanship and physical skills.

I feel there’s a breakthrough in my swordsmanship like I’ve touched the threshold of cutting iron. I wonder if it’s an illusion.


Sea Calendar Year 1508, maybe 1509, let’s call it Monday. After five continuous days of storms, life has gone to the dogs.

Forty-fifth day after obtaining the fruit, an apparent breakthrough in swordsmanship. I felt like I touched the threshold of cutting iron, but I’ve hit a bottleneck and can’t break through for now.

Sea Calendar Year 1509, someday, clear.

Ninety-three days after obtaining the fruit, I noticed a significant improvement in my physical abilities, some ideas on developing the fruit, and feeling ecstatic, like life had peaked.

One hundred and second day after obtaining the fruit, a ship passed by in the distance, and no one responded to my signal fire, which was an awkward JPG.

One hundred and seventeenth day after obtaining the fruit, a successful test of a new sword technique, I feel close to mastering the ability to cut iron.

One hundred and fiftieth days after obtaining the fruit, the island’s ecosystem is on the brink of collapse; they built a raft, attracted and killed a Sea King, and enough food for a few days.

The next day, tragedy struck. The famous sword “Whisper” from the fifty finest quality blades broke in two. I haven’t found a matching famous blade, and it’s gone too soon.

Whisper: Stand me up; I can still be saved.

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Daily Life in One Piece

Daily Life in One Piece

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020
The transmigrated Mosen ate the Slip-Slip Fruit. During a news interview, when asked about his strength, he said, "What's the use of strength? Being handsome is a lifelong endeavor!"

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Marine Headquarters: "If I could beat you, kid, I'd believe you about your shoes."

On an island in the New World, from the grave of a certain pirate with a bounty of 450 million, there came a sound of knocking on the coffin lid: "I believe you, my ass."

On Amazon Lily, a certain Empress: "Bastard, you're almost as good-looking as I am. Unforgivable!"

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not work with dark mode