Daily Life in One Piece Chapter 32

Gossip in the Confinement Room

In the segmented confinement rooms of the Marineford New Recruit Camp…

“Hey, hey, Instructor Shuzo, listen to me! They started it! I was just giving them a little… ahem… education on teamwork and mutual assistance. We’re all comrades in the same dormitory. It was really just a sparring session,” Mosen pleaded, feeling dejected as Shuzo prepared to lock the door, confining him in the small cell.

“Believe me, Instructor, I was only trying to teach them a lesson. I swear, it wasn’t my fault,” Mosen continued to protest, but Shuzo’s impassive face showed no sympathy. He locked the door, shutting Mosen inside.

Shuzo felt a headache coming on. He had never encountered such a troublesome recruit in all his years of teaching. Even the notorious Smoker had been easier to manage compared to this troublemaker. It was only Mosen’s first day, and the camp was already chaotic. Who knew what the future held?

“Now I have to report this to the instructor,” Shuzo muttered as he walked away.

Mosen lay on the single bed in the confinement room, contemplating his predicament. “Shuzo must be targeting me. He’s probably never seen someone as good-looking as me and feels threatened. Oh, my irresistible charm! Being too outstanding always invites jealousy.”

He continued his monologue, “I was just engaging in some friendly sparring with my roommates. It’s not my fault the wall collapsed. It was that big guy who crashed into it. They should confine him instead. Why am I stuck here for three days?”

On his first day in the camp, Mosen found himself in the dreaded confinement room, which struck fear into recruits. However, he was okay with the confinement itself. Three days could be an excellent time to relax.

But what about his reputation? The camp wasn’t entirely cut off from the outside world. Recruits were allowed one day off every three months. If word got out about his confinement, it could ruin his chances with the ladies in Marineford.

He knocked on the wall. “Hey, who’s next door?”


“If you don’t answer, I’ll beat you up when I get out!” Mosen threatened.

On the other side, a weary Road Renga sighed. Why was he always the target? Couldn’t Mosen bother someone else for once? Afraid of another beating, he reluctantly answered, “Boss, is it too late to apologize now?”

Mosen’s eyes lit up. “Apologizing isn’t necessary. Are you from the main base? Do you have any gossip or… I mean, news to share?”

“I’m from the South Blue. I got into the recruit camp by chance. Only Tess and Warrick Roz in our dorm are children of main base officers,” Renga explained.

Mosen clicked his tongue in disappointment. “You’re not from the main base? What a waste of time.”

Renga felt even more drained. It wasn’t like he wanted to answer in the first place. Fear of another beating had forced him to comply.

“Who’s in the cell next to mine?” Mosen inquired.

“That’s Tess. He’s the son of Rear Admiral Fendi. He grew up in the main base and knows a lot of things,” Renga replied without hesitation, eager to shift Mosen’s focus away from himself.

Mosen’s eyes sparkled with excitement. He moved to the other wall and knocked. “Hey, Tess, you there?”


“Not talking? Want another beating when I get out?” Mosen threatened again, determined to win through intimidation rather than charm this time.

“Humph, don’t get too cocky. I’ll get my revenge!” Tess’s voice finally responded.

“Do you know Smoker, the natural ability user and outstanding recruit camp graduate?” Mosen asked.

“What does that have to do with me? I don’t know him,” Tess replied, confused.

“I fought him to a standstill,” Mosen boasted.

Tess rolled his eyes. Just another bragging recruit. “So what? What do you want?”

“Tell me some stories about the main base, especially about the admirals and vice admirals,” Mosen requested.

Although reluctant, Tess knew refusing might lead to another beating and more embarrassment. He decided to comply, hoping to get Mosen off his back.

“Alright, but what I say is just hearsay. Don’t hold me responsible if anything turns out wrong,” Tess cautioned.

Mosen’s eyes gleamed. “Don’t worry. I’m just curious to hear about the big shots. Your secrets are safe with me. They call me the best secret keeper at East Blue’s 77th base.”

Tess took a deep breath and began, “Alright. You know Admirals Kizaru and Akainu, right? A long time ago, they fought each other over a woman, nearly destroying the main base. Fleet Admiral Sengoku had to step in.”

Mosen’s eyes widened in surprise. He hadn’t expected that. “Which woman could have such a powerful allure?”

Tess lowered his voice further. “It was said to be Vice Admiral Gion, also known as Momousagi. She rejected them both.”

“And Vice Admiral Chaton, he’s proposed to her dozens of times and been rejected every time,” Tess added.

Mosen was stunned. “Wow, didn’t expect that. Kizaru and Akainu, huh? I always thought Akainu was all about justice. Seems like there’s more to them.”

Mosen’s gossiping instincts were fully ignited. If only he could share these juicy tidbits online, everyone would be envious. But he couldn’t.

“Tell me more. You’re well-informed, Tess,” Mosen encouraged.

“Of course. I’ve lived at the main base for over 20 years,” Tess replied, his excitement growing. No matter where you were, gossip about the big shots always had an eager audience.

“Well, let me tell you about this one time…”

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Daily Life in One Piece

Daily Life in One Piece

Status: OngoingType: Author: Released: 2020
The transmigrated Mosen ate the Slip-Slip Fruit. During a news interview, when asked about his strength, he said, "What's the use of strength? Being handsome is a lifelong endeavor!"

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Marine Headquarters: "If I could beat you, kid, I'd believe you about your shoes."

On an island in the New World, from the grave of a certain pirate with a bounty of 450 million, there came a sound of knocking on the coffin lid: "I believe you, my ass."

On Amazon Lily, a certain Empress: "Bastard, you're almost as good-looking as I am. Unforgivable!"

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